“Moonrise Kingdom” quotes
Wes Anderson
directed this movie
in 2012
Title Moonrise Kingdom
Year 2012
Director Wes Anderson
Genre Drama, Comedy, Adventure
Year 2012
Director Wes Anderson
Genre Drama, Comedy, Adventure
Plot – Moonrise Kingdom is a 2012 American coming-of-age comedy-drama film. Set in the 1960s on the fictional island of New Penzance, somewhere off the coast of New England, it tells the story of Sam, an orphan boy who escapes from a scouting camp to unite with his pen pal and love interest Suzy, a girl with aggressive tendencies and the oldest child in a quirky and unhappy household of two lawyers. The two runaway lovers set out to discover love, independence, and happiness, as a group of anxious parents and serious officials leave no stone unturned in search of the missing kids.
All actors – Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, Bill Murray, Frances McDormand, Tilda Swinton, Jared Gilman, Kara Hayward, Jason Schwartzman, Bob Balaban, Lucas Hedges, Charlie Kilgore, Andreas Sheikh, Chandler Frantz, Rob H. Campbell, L.J. Foley, Gabriel Rush, Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick, Tommy Nelson, Larry Pine, Marianna Bassham, Neal Huff, Eric Chase Anderson, Jake Ryan, Tanner Flood, Wyatt Ralff, Max Derderian, Hugo DeAscentis, Liz Callahan, James Demler, Christine Noel, Jean-Michael Pion, John Peet, Carolyn Pickman, Ada-Nicole Sanger, Isabella Guinness, Violet Guinness, Caris Yeoman, Lily Tiger McEnerney, Kevin DeCoste, Harvey Keitel, Tyler Metivier, Cooper Murray, Coledyn Garrow, Ben Haffner, Michael Malvesti, Richie Conant, Johnathon Deneault, Jack Hartman, Preston Hatch, Alex Milne, Jordan Puzzo, Steve Smith, Dakota Pimentel, Roman Keitel, Derek Sardella, , Christopher Alan, Alecia Batson, David Boston, Brina, Jodie Brunelle, Charles L. Campbell, Benjamin Flynn, Shawn Fogarty, John Franchi, Adam J. Freeman, Julianne Freeman, Jed Griswold, Conor Healy, Andrew Horowitz, Krystal Kenville, John Joseph Lindsey, Lindsay MacDonald, Richard Meehan, Chris O'Brien, Mark Perrone, Christopher S. Porter, Joshua Prevost, Donna Glee Reim, Gary Roscoe, Kellen Rose, Salvatore Santone, Aingea Venuto, George J. Vezina, Mary Wexler, Dorothea White, James Wilcox, Luke Young
show all“Moonrise Kingdom” Quotes 15 quotes
“Captain Sharp-Just for the record, 95% of all runaways return home within the first six hours. It doesn't do you any good right now. It's just a statistic. But in all likelihood, Suzy's probably hiding in the closet at her best friend's house playing Chinese checkers at this very moment, as we speak.
Mr. Bishop-She doesn't have any friends.”“If your throat gets parched, stick a pebble in your mouth and suck on it. You can quench your thirst with the spit, supposedly.”
“Sam-So, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Suzy-I don't know. I want to go on adventures, I think. Not get stuck in one place. How about you?
Sam-Go on adventures, too. Not get stuck, too. Anyway, we can't predict the exact future.”“Sam-Sometimes I stick leaves on my hair. It helps cool your head down.
Suzy-Hmm. That's a good idea. It might also help if you didn't wear a fur hat.”“Sam-Wait, these are all library books. In my school, you're only allowed to check out one at a time. Some of these are going to be overdue. Do you steal? Why? You're not poor.
Suzy-I might turn some of them back in one day. I haven't decided yet. I know it's bad. I think I just took them to have a secret to keep.”“Sam-Why do you consider me your enemy?
Redford-Because your girlfriend stabbed me in the back with lefty scissors.
Sam-She's my wife now.
Redford-Congratulations!”“Sam-What happened to your hand?
Suzy-I got hit in the mirror.
Sam-Really? How did that happen?
Suzy-I lost my temper at myself.”“We're in love. We just want to be together. What's wrong with that?”
“I admit we knew we'd get in trouble. That part's true. We knew people would be worried, and we still ran away, anyway. But something also happened, which we didn't do on purpose. When we first met each other, something happened to us.”
“It takes time to figure things out. It's been proven by history. All mankind makes mistakes.”
“I always wished I was an orphan. Most of my favorite characters are. I think your lives are more special.”
“Sam-Why do you always use binoculars?
Suzy-It helps me see things closer. Even if they're not very far away. I pretend it's my magic power.”