“National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation” quotes
All actors – Chevy Chase, Beverly D'Angelo, Juliette Lewis, Johnny Galecki, John Randolph, Diane Ladd, E.G. Marshall, Doris Roberts, Randy Quaid, Miriam Flynn, Cody Burger, Ellen Latzen
show all“National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation” Quotes 20 quotes
“The army cuts my disability pension because they said that the plate in my head wasn't big enough.”
“- Audrey Griswold: Uh, don't take this personally, Vicki; but being a farmer isn't too cool you know.
- Cousin Vicki: Oh, yeah? Well, how cool is this?
[reaches under her bed and pulls out a shoebox full of marijuana]”“- Clark Griswold: Have you even driven cross-country?
- Roy Walley: Oh, hell yes. Drove the whole family to Florida. Worst two weeks I ever spent in my life.”“- Rusty Griswold: Mom, my sandwich is all wet.
- Ellen Griswold: They're all wet... oh God! The dog wet on the picnic basket.”“- Clark Griswold: I'm just trying to treat my family to a little fun.
- Ellen Griswold: Oh spare me, Clark! I know your brand of family fun. Tomorrow you'll probably kill the desk clerk, hold up a McDonalds, and drive us 1,000 miles out of the way to see the world's largest pile of mud!”“- Lasky, Guard at Walleyworld: Has your father ever killed anyone?
- Rusty Griswold: Just a dog. Oh and my Aunt Edna.”“I don't know why they call this stuff hamburger helper. It does just fine by itself, huh?”
“When I was a boy, just about every summer we'd take a vacation. And you know, in 18 years, we never had fun.”
“- Clark Griswold: She wrapped up her damn cat!
- Ellen Griswold: Well, take it to the kitchen and open it up.
- Clark Griswold: Then we'll have a cat running around the house.”“- Ellen Griswold: A loud noise like that could damage the kids' hearing.
- Clark Griswold: C'mon, Ellen. It looked real. Hell, I thought it was a real gun. Didn't you think it was real, honey?
- Audrey Griswold: What?
- Clark Griswold: I said: didn't you think it was real?
- Audrey Griswold: What?
- Ellen Griswold: Oh are you happy now, Clark?...” (continue)(continue reading)“Everything isn't like home. If everything were like home, there would be no reason for leaving home. Right, Rusty?”
“We pass a damn gas station every hundred yards for a thousand miles, but when you really need one, you end up walking your ass off. This is no way to run a desert!”