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“National Lampoon's Senior Trip” quotes
Title National Lampoon's Senior Trip
Year 1995
Kelly Makin
Plot – The stories and misadventures of a group of unruly high school students that goes on a trip to Washington at the invitation of the White House. Everything is resolved in a chain of accidents.
All actors – Matt Frewer, Valerie Mahaffey, Lawrence Dane, Tommy Chong, Jeremy Renner, Rob Moore, Eric Edwards, Kevin McDonald, Michael Blake, Tara Strong, Nicole de Boer, Sergio Di Zio
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“- Miss Tracy Milford: Students, J. Edgar Hoover was the founder and director of the FBI from 1924 until his death in 1972. He was a great American.
- Herbert Jones: He was a fascist transvestite and I hope he rots in Hell!”
“- Reggie Barry: Pop quiz, hotshot: You have 10 underage students craving alcoholic beverages in a store containing your high school principal. What do you do? What-do-you-do?
- Mark 'Dags' D'Agastino: Take out the principal.”
“- Senator John Lerman: We're due at the capitol and you're porking the math teacher?
- Miss Tracy Milford: Keyboarding teacher.
- Senator John Lerman: Whatever.”
“I've been thinking about our impending relationship. Which I think is a good idea. As long as you don't talk too much, you let me call the shots, and my parents never, never, never find out about you, I think it could work out between us.”
“- Barry 'Virus' Kremmer: What about Meg?
- Mark 'Dags' D'Agastino: Meg's gay.
- Barry 'Virus' Kremmer: Well, if anyone can change her, it's you.”
“- Lisa Perkins: Nobody likes me. Everyone thinks I'm a frigid headcase.
- Mark 'Dags' D'Agastino: Well, Virus and Reggie do... but I don't. Look, why don't you prove them wrong by coming to the back and partying with us?
- Lisa Perkins: Okay. I can be fun.”
“- Ish: Hey! I want no trouble from you people! You hear me? Behave!
- Mark 'Dags' D'Agastino: I hate when I get blamed for something before I do anything wrong.”
“- Herbert Jones: What we need is a miracle.
- Meg Smith: Yeah. Like that time when the school got torched right before finals.”
“- Miosky: You know what I wanna do? I wanna do a Jap.
- Barry 'Virus' Kremmer: Hey! How about Carla Morgan? I hear she's half Jewish!
- Miosky: Not that kind of Jap. A real Jap from China. With silky soft skin, almond eyes and straight blonde hair.”
“Wouldn't it be cool to screw in the principal's bedroom?”
“People think that we're nothing but a generation of losers. Sitting on our butts, playing video games and watching MTV. That's not true!”
“- Mark 'Dags' D'Agastino: I am concerned about you, Lisa. One day, you're gonna wake up and realize that you wasted all of your high school years studying.
- Lisa Perkins: And you're gonna wake up one day and realize that you're a loser!”