“Night of the Creeps” quotes

Movie Night of the Creeps
Title Night of the Creeps
Year 1986
Director Fred Dekker
Genre Sci-Fi, Comedy, Horror
Plot – Police officer Ray warns Pam and Johnny not to stay inside the wood. Johnny is attracted by a strange light and Pam waits for him alone in the car. A madman suddenly arrives and slaughters her, while Johnny is dazzled by the light. His body is taken to a cryogenic lab and is hibernated. 27 years after two college students, Chris and JC, free Johnny, who's become a zombie and begins to infect other people. The zombies kill many students and JC is infected too. Before dying he warns Chris the only way to destroy the monsters is the fire, so the friend manages to kill many zombies with the help of Cameron, an investigator who actually is Ray and he's very upset about the situation. At the end Cameron sacrifices himself to eliminate the zombies completely.
All actors – Jason Lively, Steve Marshall, Jill Whitlow, Tom Atkins, Wally Taylor, Bruce Solomon, Vic Polizos, Allan Kayser, Ken Heron, Alice Cadogan, June Harris, David Paymer
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  • “Corpses that have been dead for twenty-seven years do not get up and go for a walk by themselves!”
    Tom Atkins - Ray Cameron
    [Tag:body, death]
  • Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! Do you think it's taking the Lord's name in vain to say "oh my God" a whole bunch of times really fast like that?
    Steve Marshall - J.C.
    [Tag:god, sin]
  • “- Brad: We said the Phi Omega Gamma house, not the Kappa Delta sorority. Do you know the difference?
    - Chris Romero: It's all Greek to me.”

    Allan Kayser - Brad
    Jason Lively - Chris
  • “- Detective Cameron: I got good news and bad news, girls. The good news is your dates are here.
    - Sorority Sister: What's the bad news?
    - Detective Cameron: They're dead.”

    Tom Atkins - Ray Cameron
    [Tag:date, death, news]
  • “- Detective Cameron: I suppose Rip Van Winkle would be the other body; where is it?
    - Sergeant Raimi: The other body isn't here, sir.
    - Detective Cameron: What? Did he have a date? What do you mean mean it isn't here?!”

    Tom Atkins - Ray Cameron
    Bruce Solomon - Sgt. Raimi
    [Tag:body, death]