“Octopussy” quotes
Plot – Back from a mission in the Antilles, James Bond is dispatched to investigate a case of jewelry smuggling from Russia which has already claimed the life of 009, the agent in charge of the mission. An Indian prince, a Russian general and a fascinating and mysterious woman - Octopussy - are involved in the smuggling. Taking advantage of “Octopussy Circus”, owned by the woman who uses it as a cover for her trade, the Russian general and the Indian want to introduce a nuclear device into Germany. The explosion of the device would bring positive political consequences for the Soviet aims. In the end, Bond with the aid of Octopussy - who is only a tool in the hands of the criminals - manages to foil the plan.
All actors – Roger Moore, Maud Adams, Louis Jourdan, Kristina Wayborn, Kabir Bedi, Steven Berkoff, David Meyer, Tony Meyer, Desmond Llewelyn, Robert Brown, Lois Maxwell, Michaela Clavell, Walter Gotell, Vijay Amritraj, Albert Moses, Geoffrey Keen, Douglas Wilmer, Andy Bradford, Philip Voss, Bruce Boa, Richard LeParmentier, Paul Hardwick, Suzanne Jerome, Cherry Gillespie, Dermot Crowley, Peter Porteous, Eva Reuber-Staier, Jeremy Bulloch, Tina Hudson, William Derrick, Stuart Saunders, Patrick Barr, Gabor Vernon, Hugo Bower, Ken Norris, Tony Arjuna, Gertan Klauber, Brenda Cowling, David Grahame, Brian Coburn, Michael Halphie, Mary Stavin, Carolyn Seaward, Carole Ashby, Cheryl Anne, Jani-Z, Julie Martin, Joni Flynn, Julie Barth, Kathy Davies, Helene Hunt, Gillian De Terville, Safira Afzal, Louise King, Tina Robinson Hansen, Alison Worth, Janine Andrews, Lynda Knight, Susanne Dando, Teresa Craddock, Kirsten Harrison, Christine Cullers, Lisa Jackman, Jane Aldridge, Christine Gibson, Tracy Llewellyn, Ruth Flynn, Roberto Germains, Richard Graydon, Troupe The Hassani, Cherokees The Flying, Carol Richter, Josef Richter, Vera Fossett, Shirley Fossett, Barrie Winship, Ravinder Singh Reyett, Gurdial Sira, Michael Moor, Sven Surtees, Peter Edmund, Ray Charles, Talib Johnny, R.J. Bell, Ken Burns, Ishaq Bux, Sally Dewhurst, Reg Harding, Nick Hobbs, Eugene Lipinski, Derek Lyons, Ingrid Pitt, Lenny Rabin, Reggae Ranjhe, Gary Russell, Gito Santana, Nicola Stapleton, Michael G. Wilson
show all“Octopussy” Quotes 28 quotes
“- General Anatoly Gogol: I believe I express the opinion of everyone present that adoption of NATO proposals does not compromise our defensive position.
- Orlov: Comrade Chairman.
- Soviet Chairman: General Orlov.
- Orlov: General Gogol is presumptuous. He speaks for himself and others who cling to timid, outdated and unrealistic policies! Must...” (continue)(continue reading)“- James Bond: You are the mysterious Octopussy.
- Octopussy: And you are James Bond, 007, Licensed to Kill. Am I to be your target tonight?”“- James Bond: Forgive my curiosity, but, what is that?
- Magda: That's my little octopussy.”“- James Bond: You know me?
- Penelope Smallbone: Miss Moneypenny described you.
- Miss Moneypenny: In nauseating detail.
- James Bond: Really?”“- James Bond: I trust you can handle this contraption, Q?
- Q: It goes by hot air.
- James Bond: Oh, then you can.”“- Octopussy: Who is he?
- Kamal Kahn: Englishman. Likes eggs, preferably Fabergé, and dice, preferably loaded.”“- James Bond: Up to now you are the least lethal and, by far, the prettiest of Kamal's friends that I've come across.
- Magda: Thank you.
- James Bond: So, does he have a proposition for me or - do you?
- Magda: He suggests trade. The egg for you life.
- James Bond: Well, I heard the price of eggs was going up, but, isn't that a little high?”“- James Bond: Where did you recruit all these lovelies?
- Octopussy: There are many of them all over Southeast Asia, looking for a guru, spiritual discipline, who knows what. l train them. Give them a purpose, a sisterhood and a way of life.
- James Bond: In crime?
- Octopussy: In business. I have diversified into shipping, hotels, carnivals and...” (continue)(continue reading)“- James Bond: I traced Smythe to Sri Lanka and gave him 24 hours to clear up his affairs before I took him back. He committed suicide rather than face the disgrace of a court martial. What's the connection?
- Octopussy: He was my father. I'd hoped fate would bring us together one day.
- James Bond: To avenge him?
- Octopussy: To thank you for...” (continue)(continue reading)“Mr. Bond is indeed of a very rare breed... soon to be made extinct.”
“- James Bond: May I join you? Sotheby's. Half a million pounds.
- Magda: The man at the auction.
- James Bond: Precisely.
- Magda: You have a very good memory for faces.
- James Bond: And figures.”“A man of principal with a price on his head. Naturally you do it for Queen and Country. I have no country. I have no price on my head!”
“- Octopussy: A paid assassin.
- James Bond: When I kill it is on the specific orders of my Government.”“World Socialism will be achieved peaceably. Our military role is strictly defensive. Is that understood?”
“- Kamal Khan: He's dangerous. After he's talked, we must get rid of him immediately.
- Octopussy: No.
- Kamal Khan: A ''no'' from you has little chance of becoming a ''yes''. l assume, therefore, that the meeting is over. But you're making a serious mistake.”“- Kamal Khan: You have a nasty habit of surviving.
- James Bond: You know what they say about the fittest.”“- Kamal Khan: Octopussy, I would enjoy another opportunity to take care of Mr. Bond, personally.
- Octopussy: I will take care of Mr. Bond myself.
- Kamal Khan: Good night. And enjoy yourself, Mr. Bond.”“- Magda: It's for my scrapbook. I collect memories.
- James Bond: Well, let's get on with making a few.”“- James Bond: It looks like a Fabergé egg, sir. One of the jeweled eggs made by Carl Fabergé as an Easter gift to the Russian royal family. They're priceless and very rare. This one contains a model of the imperial stage coach.
- M: Top marks, 007.
- James Bond: Thank you, sir.
- M: Except it's a fake.”