“Once Upon a Time in Mexico” quotes

Movie Once Upon a Time in Mexico
Robert Rodriguez directed this movie in 2003
Title Once Upon a Time in Mexico
Year 2003
Director Robert Rodriguez
Genre Action, Thriller
Plot – After the death of his wife Carolina, El Mariachi, the Mexican hero with the guitar, lives alone in a small village. His isolation gets interrupted by the corrupt CIA agent Sands, who’s there to enlist him. He is about to face the drug dealer Barillo, the bloodthirsty leader of a gang who’s planning to subvert the president of the Mexican Republic to let general Marquez rule. El Mariachi accepts and, helped by his best friends Lorenzo and Fideo, plans his revenge against Marquez, the killer of his wife.
All actors – Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Johnny Depp, Mickey Rourke, Eva Mendes, Danny Trejo, Enrique Iglesias, Marco Leonardi, Cheech Marin, Rubén Blades, Willem Dafoe, Gerardo Vigil
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