“Out of the Past” quotes
(1947)All actors – Robert Mitchum, Jane Greer, Kirk Douglas, Rhonda Fleming, Richard Webb, Steve Brodie, Virginia Huston, Paul Valentine, Dickie Moore, Ken Niles, Brooks Benedict, Oliver Blake, Eumenio Blanco, Wesley Bly, Mildred Boyd, Hubert Brill, James Bush, Ted Collins, James Conaty, Homer Dickenson, Lee Elson, Jess Escobar, Mary Field, Adda Gleason, Theresa Harris, Harry Hayden, John Kellogg, Mike Lally, Primo López, Philip Morris, Manuel París, Caleb Peterson, Jose Portugal, Charles Regan, Victor Romito, Tony Roux, Jeffrey Sayre, Wallace Scott, Archie Twitchell, William Van Vleck, Bill Wallace, Sam Warren, Frank Wilcox
show all“Out of the Past” Quotes 36 quotes
“You can never help anything, can you? You're like a leaf that the wind blows from one gutter to another.”
“Sometimes a bad memory is like what they call an ill wind, it can blow somebody luck.”
“- Kathie Moffat: Did you miss me?
- Jeff Bailey: No more than I would miss my eyes.”“- Kathie Moffat: Oh Jeff, you ought to have killed me for what I did a moment ago.
- Jeff Bailey: There's time.”“- Jeff Bailey: That's not the way to win.
- Kathie Moffat: Is there a way to win?
- Jeff Bailey: There's a way to lose more slowly.”“- Kathie Moffat: I don't want to die.
- Jeff Bailey: Neither do I, baby, but if I have to, I'm going to die last.”“Two things I can smell inside a hundred feet: a burning hamburger and a romance.”
“- Kathie Moffat: Maybe you want to go home.
- Jeff Bailey: Maybe that's why I'm here.
- Kathie Moffat: Is it?”“A dame with a rod is like a guy with a knitting needle.”