“Patriot Games” quotes
Phillip Noyce
directed this movie
in 1992
Title Patriot Games
Year 1992
Director Phillip Noyce
Genre Thriller, Action
Year 1992
Director Phillip Noyce
Genre Thriller, Action
Plot – Former CIA analyst Jack Ryan goes to London to participate to a conference with his wife Cathy and his daughter Sally. In front of Buckingham Palace, he foils an attack against Lord Holmes. Sean Miller, an affiliated to IRA, is arrested and Ryan kills Miller's brother. The criminal escapes and flies to United States to take revenge. Ryan escapes a killer with the help of police but Miller causes a car accident involving Cathy and Sally. Collaborating with CIA in the new case, Ryan discovers IRA has a representative in the US. He's Paddy O'Neil. He locates a training camp in Libya and destroys it, meanwhile Miller goes to Ryan's house in Maryland. Lord Holmes is going there too to hand him a honor. After a firefight, terrorists are finally eliminated.
All actors – Harrison Ford, Anne Archer, Patrick Bergin, Sean Bean, Thora Birch, James Fox, Samuel L. Jackson, Polly Walker, J.E. Freeman, James Earl Jones, Richard Harris, Alex Norton
show all“Patriot Games” Quotes 11 quotes
“I'm not after your job, Marty. I'm after the man who tried to kill my family.”
“- Jimmy Reardon: You're not gonna make me wear a rubber, are you? You know, the church says wearin' one of them's a sin, darling.
- Annette Bearer: So's this, darling!”“- Admiral Greer: Excuse me, Jack, tell me one thing in life that is absolutely for certain.
- Jack Ryan: My daughter's love.”“Fuck the bloody IRA. All these years of war, and they've got us nowhere. In its heart and soul, England is still a monarchy, and that is where we must strike... at the royals and the ruling class. You're either with us or against us, Jimmy Boy. Make up your mind.”
“- Cathy Ryan: It was him wasn't it? He's never gonna leave us alone.
- Jack Ryan: He'll never get that close to us again, honey. That's why he calls in the middle of the night. It's all he can do.
- Cathy Ryan: You get him, Jack. I don't care what you have to do. Just get him.”“Bloody proud of yourself, aren't you? You stuck your nose in where it didn't belong. And now you've killed my baby brother.”
“- Jack Ryan: The people in those camps know probably better than we do exactly what time the satellite's going to pass overhead. And Marty... unless you authorize us to retask those satellites so we can get a look before they're overhead from the side, we are never gonna know which camp they're at.
- Marty Cantor: Jack, do you have any idea how...” (continue)(continue reading)“- Sally Ryan: I don't have any say in this, do I?
- Jack Ryan: Sure, you do, honey. This is a family. Everybody's got a say.
- Sally Ryan: But my say's after the fact. Or am I wrong?
- Jack Ryan: Uhh... no, you're right.
- Sally Ryan: Michaela really despises her little sister.
- Jack Ryan: Yeah? Well, ready for this? It could be even worse. It...” (continue)(continue reading)“Who are we looking for here, huh? IRA terrorists or some ultra-violent faction of the IRA, fighting the cause their way? Jimmy O'Reardon checked into a hotel with a woman with long red hair. Long red hair! This is who we should be looking for! We find her... we'll find him.”