“Peggy Sue Got Married” quotes
Plot – Peggy Sue is a beautiful 40-year-old woman with 2 kids and a husband, Charlie. They have been together since school days, but now he is breaking up with her because of another woman and because he didn’t experience certain things due to their marriage. A party with the ex-classmates makes her remember about the past and the pain of the upcoming divorce. While she is crowned queen of the night, she faints and wakes up in the past, when she was 18-years-old. She is attending the last year of high school and she is with Charlie, but she pushes him away to change her fate, preferring to hang out with Michael, a guy she always admired. Peggy Sue is a teenager again, but with the experience of adulthood she tries to make things better and enjoys the time with her family.
All actors – Kathleen Turner, Nicolas Cage, Barry Miller, Catherine Hicks, Joan Allen, Kevin J. O'Connor, Jim Carrey, Lisa Jane Persky, Lucinda Jenney, Wil Shriner, Barbara Harris, Don Murray, Sofia Coppola, Maureen O'Sullivan, Leon Ames, Randy Bourne, Helen Hunt, Don Stark, Marshall Crenshaw, Chris Donato, Robert Crenshaw, Tom Teeley, Graham Maby, Ken Grantham, Ginger Taylor, Sigrid Wurschmidt, Glenn Withrow, Harry Basil, John Carradine, Sachi Parker, Vivien Straus, Morgan Upton, Lewis Leibovich, Bill Bonham, Joe Lerer, Martin Scott, Marcus Scott, Carl Lockett, Tony Saunders, Vincent Lars, Larry E. Vann, Lawrence Menkin, Daniel R. Suhart, Leslie Hilsinger, Al Nalbandian, Dan Leegant, Ron Cook, Mary Leichtling, Harrod Blank, Cynthia Brian, Michael X. Martin
show all“Peggy Sue Got Married” Quotes 18 quotes
“- Richard Norvik: I have this theory that time is like a burrito. A burrito is this mexican food that I had when my parents took me to Disneyland.
- Peggy Sue: I know what a burrito is.”“- Peggy Sue: We got married too young and ended up blaming each other for all the things we missed.
- Carol Heath: So, he started having affairs and you started getting depressed.”“- Peggy Sue: I think I had a heart attack and died at the reunion!
- Richard Norvik: Well, you look great for a corpse.”“- Peggy Sue: Grandpa, if you had a chance to go back and do it all differently, what would you have changed?
- Barney Alvorg: Well, I would have taken better care of my teeth.”“- Evelyn Kelcher: Is Charlie pressuring you into doing things you don't think you should be doing?
- Peggy Sue: What do you mean?
- Evelyn Kelcher: Peggy, you know what a penis is? Stay away from it!”“Charlie, it's like there's this window into my heart and you can open and crawl in whenever you want. Well, I've got to close it or nothing is ever going to change.”
“- Peggy Sue: I know lots of things that are gonna happen. There's gonna be testtube babies and heart tranplants. An American named Neil Armstrong is going to be the first man to walk on the moon, July 20, 1969.
- Richard Norvik: 1969? That's six years ahead of schedule.”“From snivelling runt to pompous ass in 25 years. Quite an accomplishment.”
“- Michael Fitzsimmons: So are you going to marry Mr. Blue Impala and graze around with all the other sheep for the rest of your life?
- Peggy Sue: No... I already did that.”“- Michael Fitzsimmons: We had heat, baby. Passion! Fire! We owe it to ourselves to fuse together, at least one more time.
- Peggy Sue: Oh, that's a good line. You are gonna be a terrific writer.”“- Evelyn Kelcher: What's the matter, have you and Charlie had a fight?
- Peggy Sue: Yes.
- Evelyn Kelcher: What about?
- Peggy Sue: House payments.”