“Platoon Leader” quotes

Movie Platoon Leader
Title Platoon Leader
Year 1988
Director Aaron Norris
Genre War, Drama
Plot – Lt. Jeff Knight finishes West Point Academy and he's tasked to travel to Vietnam as a soldier. His buddies have more war experience than him, but quickly Jeff understands what's going on: he has to fight in the war.
All actors – Michael Dudikoff, Robert F. Lyons, Michael DeLorenzo, Jesse Dabson, Rick Fitts, Tony Pierce, Daniel Demorest, Brian Libby, Michael Rider, William Smith, Al Karaki, Evan J. Klisser
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  • “- Lt. Jeff Knight: What's it like?
    - Sgt. Michael McNamara: What's it like? You go out on patrol, and you kill a few of them. Then they kill a few of yours. Then you go back to base. Eat. Sleep. Next day, same thing. Before you know it, you're either dead, or you're going home. It's good.”

    Michael Dudikoff - Lt. Jeff Knight
    Robert F. Lyons - Sgt. Michael McNamara
    [Tag:army, soldiers, war]
  • “Death is the ultimate alarm clock man, wakes you up.”
    Michael DeLorenzo - Raymond Bacera