“Polyester” quotes
Title Polyester
Year 1981
Director John Waters
Genre Comedy
Year 1981
Director John Waters
Genre Comedy
All actors – Divine, Tab Hunter, Edith Massey, David Samson, Mary Garlington, Ken King, Mink Stole, Joni Ruth White, Hans Kramm, Stiv Bators, Rick Breitenfeld, Michael Watson
show all“Polyester” Quotes 17 quotes
“I'm gonna get an abortion and I can't wait!”
- Lu-Lu Fishpaw: I got my report card today. Wanna see it?
- Francine Fishpaw: Have you done any better this time? [looking at the report card] Lu-Lu, you have failed every single subject again!
- Lu-Lu Fishpaw: No, Ma. They changed the grading system. "F" is for "Fantastic"!
- Francine Fishpaw: You little liar! It's a good thing you're not... (continue)(continue reading)“- Francine Fishpaw: Caught you, didn't I? Right in the act of adultery! I won't stand for this, Elmer. I want a divorce! And a big, fat settlement to go along with it!
- Elmer Fishpaw: You'll never get a penny out of me, you fat hunk of cellulite. I only support the women I love!”“I wish I could be more like you, Cuddles: always optimistic. I look into my future, and all I see is a long, dark highway, filled with endless toll booths and... no exits.”
“- Francine Fishpaw: Elmer, that dog stinks to high heaven. You'll be permeated by his odor.
- Elmer Fishpaw: Yeah? Well, this whole world stinks, Francine, so get used to it! You and that big nose of yours are startin' to get on my nerves.”“Let's move to Miami! Finally, I can get my face-lift. I want a Cadillac, too, a big, purple Cadillac, so I can ride around and laugh at poor people!”
“- School Principal: Is Dexter ill today?
- Francine Fishpaw: Why, no, Mr. Kirk. Dexter's in school.
- School Principal: I'm afraid he's not, Mrs. Fishpaw. Dexter's truancy problem is way out of hand, and the Baltimore County School Board have decided to expel Dexter from the entire public school system.”“- Francine Fishpaw: Lu-Lu, there's a living thing inside of you... Oh Lu-Lu, that baby is part of you!
- Lu-Lu Fishpaw: It's stealing part of me, you mean! I can feel it like cancer, getting bigger and bigger, like the Blob. One day it'll rip me open, and it'll be there in my life, ready to rob me of every bit of fun I deserve to have!”“Don't be upset, Mrs. Fishpaw. Puberty brings on strange behavior in adolescents!”
“- Francine Fishpaw: Dexter's been expelled from school!
- Cuddles Kovinsky: For what?
- Francine Fishpaw: For truancy!
- Cuddles Kovinsky: It's just those common Baltimore public schools. God, I wish I lived in Connecticut!”“- Elmer Fishpaw: How's my baby doing in school?
- Lu-Lu Fishpaw: I learned all about my cervix in sex education yesterday!”- Picket Reporter: Mr. Fishpaw, I'm Jerry Haller from Channel 12 News. Um, I was wondering, could you make a comment on this demonstration against your X-rated movie theater?
- Elmer Fishpaw: I'll show any movie I wanna show! This is a free country, isn't it? Our current attraction is "My Burning Bush". We have shows daily at 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10... (continue)(continue reading)“- Elmer Fishpaw: Come on, Sandra. Get dressed. Let's go to some snazzy cocktail lounge and celebrate my new freedom.
- Sandra Sullivan: But Elmer, what about Dexter and little Lu-Lu?
- Elmer Fishpaw: Those two little bastards are a perfect argument for birth control. Children would get in the way of our erotic lifestyle!”“Francine Fishpaw lives at 538 Wyman Way. She weighs 300 pounds, and is an alcoholic! She eats an entire cake at one sitting. You should see her stretch marks! Because of her drunkenness, both of her children are delinquents. She's the hairiest woman I've ever laid eyes on!”