“Potemkin” quotes
Sergei Eisenstein
directed this movie
in 1925
Title Potemkin
Original title Bronenosets Potyomkin
Year 1925
Director Sergei M. Eisenstein
Genre Drama, History
Original title Bronenosets Potyomkin
Year 1925
Director Sergei M. Eisenstein
Genre Drama, History
Plot – During June 1905, Potemkin Russian battleship's crew is harassed very badly. Onboard the sailors are given rotten food to eat and the captain refuses to listen to their protests, so they decide to mutiny. The battleship then reaches Odessa, where the inhabitants share the sailors' situation and encourage them, but the imperial guards repress their enthusiasm in a bloody battle. Meanwhile a Russian navy squad sails to the city to restore the situation and the battle seems inevitable. Potemkin sailors seem to be defeated, but in the end the navy lets them go.
All actors – Aleksandr Antonov, Vladimir Barsky, Grigori Aleksandrov, Ivan Bobrov, Mikhail Gomorov, Aleksandr Levshin, N. Poltavtseva, Konstantin Feldman, Prokopenko, A. Glauberman, Beatrice Vitoldi, Brodsky, Julia Eisenstein, Sergei M. Eisenstein, Andrey Fayt, Korobei, Marusov, Protopopov, Repnikova, Vladimir Uralsky, Zerenin, Aleksanteri Ahola-Valo
show all“Potemkin” Quotes 10 quotes
“Shoulder to shoulder. The land is ours. Tomorrow is ours.”
We, the sailors of "Potemkin", must support the workers, our brothers, and stand among the front lines of the revolution!
“Comrades! The time has come when we too must speak out. Why wait? All of Russia has risen!”
“- Russian Orthodox Priest: Have fear of God.
- Grigory Vakulinchuk: Beat it, sorcerer!”“To the rifles, brothers! Smash the dragons! Smash them! Smash them all!”
“The people of Odessa are waiting for the liberators! Land the troops and the army will join you.”
“Back, scoundrels! That way is not for you! I'll shoot you all like dogs!”
“The enemy must be dealt a decisive blow! Together with the rebelling workers from all of Russia. We will win!”