“Pretty Persuasion” quotes
(2005)“Pretty Persuasion” Quotes 14 quotes
“I have respect for all races, but I'm very glad that I was born white. As a woman, it's the best race to be. Especially if you want to become an actress, like I do.”
“It's like the world is this orchestra and I'm the conductor.”
“There're just so many stupid, annoying, worthless people on this planet that just, like, get in the way of what you want.”
“We will not tolerate racial slurs at Roxberry. You can use them at any other time - at home, at the mall, at rock and roll concerts.”
“The devil wears a gray skirt.”
“- Kimberly Joyce: I'm sorry I called you a bitch.
- Brittany: It's okay. I'm sorry I called you a trollop. I don't really even know what one is.
- Kimberly Joyce: It's a promiscuous woman, often a prostitute.”“Every war has its casualties, just ask my brother.”
“There's a lot of resentment in this country toward the Middle East and there's a lot of stereotypes floating around which I don't think are true because in the short amount of time I've known you, you haven't tried to bomb anybody and you currently smell okay to me.”
“- Randa: Why is that woman - why is she doing those things with another woman? Why must they show this?
- Kimberly Joyce: Because men like to watch it.
- Randa: But it is a sin!
- Kimberly Joyce: Randa! Randa, you're gonna find out that a lot of things men like are a sin.”“Symbiotic, that's what our relationship is going to be like, Randa. Just like we learned in biology, the whale and the little fish that sticks on it. See, if you hang with me you'll get a lot of attention from boys that you otherwise wouldn't. And meanwhile when I'm standing next to your I'll look more attractive by comparison, isn't that great?”