“Proof” quotes

Movie Proof
Title Proof
Year 1991
Director Jocelyn Moorhouse
Genre Drama
Plot – Martin is blind since he was born. He blames his mother because he thinks she has always lied to him about the truth. Martin is fond of photography since he was a child and when the woman dies he befriends Andy, asking him to describe the content of his photographs.
All actors – Hugo Weaving, Geneviève Picot, Russell Crowe, Heather Mitchell, Jeffrey Walker, Daniel Pollock, Frankie J. Holden, Frank Gallacher, Saskia Post, Belinda Davey, Cliff Ellen, Tania Uren, Robert James O'Neill, Anthony Rawling, Darko Tuscan, Adele Danielle, Roy Edmunds, Lisa Chambers, Suzanne Chapman, Angela Campbell, Osvaldo Maione, Carole Patullo, Corey, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Nicholas Braithwaite
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