“Return of the Secaucus 7” quotes
All actors – Bruce MacDonald, Maggie Renzi, Adam LeFevre, Maggie Cousineau, Gordon Clapp, Jean Passanante, Karen Trott, Mark Arnott, David Strathairn, John Sayles, Marisa Smith, Amy Schewel
show all“Return of the Secaucus 7” Quotes 12 quotes
“My problem is the repetitiveness. Y'know... wine, women, and whiteline fever, over and over. Whereas, progressive is existential. You got these chromatic melodies, right? To use for, like, a springboard into all kinds of experiments. Even the backbeat is full of nuances. You know that there's a central rhythmic idea going on, but you're never...” (continue)(continue reading)
“- Frances Carlson: You know, I can't imagine you guys teaching. I mean, is it the same old stuff we got?
- Mike Donnelly: Well, I start the year with the Boston Police Strike.
- Irene Rosenblue: They let you teach that?
- Mike Donnelly: They let you teach just about anything, so long as you keep the students from knifing each other.”“- Chip Hollister: We didn't shoot the deer. We don't even have a gun! They think we shot the deer.
- J.T.: How do you know it was shot, Mr. Hollister? No one said anything about a shooting.
- Mike Donnelly: It might've been knifed.
- J.T.: Or bludgeoned to death.
- Mike Donnelly: Or strangled with a silk stocking.
- J.T.: Or slowly poisoned.”“- Lee: With country, it's like you're being told a story that you've heard before. But with progressive, it's like you're going into unknown territory. Exactly.
- Amy: Are you in music, too?
- Jeff Andrews: Drugs.”“- J.T.: Coach says that you and Miss Sipriano are, uh, getting it on. Is that right, Mr. Donnelly?
- Mike Donnelly: Coach has a filthy, reactionary mind, J. T. Don't listen to him.”“- J.T.: Coach says that you got socialistic tendencies. Is that right, Mr. Donnelly?
- Mike Donnelly: Coach is a running dog imperialist, J. T. Don't listen to him.”“- J.T.: We're in for, uh... What do you call deer murder?
- Jeff Andrews: Bambicide.
- J.T.: Right. Bambicide, right. And conspiracy to deprive a furry woodland creature of its civil rights.”“- Katie Sipriano: You guys are much too well-behaved. High school isn't what it used to be.
- Mike Donnelly: Yeah, it's mostly discipline. No matter how jazzed up and relevant I try to make the history, I'm still dealing with a roomfull of teenage libido.”“What's a little reunion without a little drama?”