“Roadkill” quotes
Title Roadkill
Year 1989
Director Bruce McDonald
Genre Drama, History, Comedy, Adventure
Year 1989
Director Bruce McDonald
Genre Drama, History, Comedy, Adventure
All actors – Valerie Buhagiar, Gerry Quigley, Larry Hudson, Bruce McDonald, Shaun Bowring, Don McKellar, Mark Tarantino, Jamie Rooney, Peter Morfea, Patricia Sims, Nazareno Buhagiar, Giovanna Buhagiar
show all“Roadkill” Quotes 1 quote
“- Ramona: Russel, are you really a serial killer?
- Russel, the Serial Killer: Well, I've never really killed anyone before, but that's what I'm shooting for. That's my ambition. I know it's a hard profession, and it's a competive field and getting tougher every year. You have to kill about 20 people now before you're taken seriously. But let's...” (continue)(continue reading)