“Roger & Me” quotes

Movie Roger & Me
Michael Francis Moore directed this movie in 1989
Title Roger & Me
Year 1989
Director Michael Moore
Genre Documentary
Plot – Michael Moore is a journalist of Flint, Michigan. In the middle of '80s the president of General Motors, Roger Smith, closes the car factory and the city suffers a bitter decay. 35.000 people lose their job out of 150.000 inhabitants. Moore is struck by the situation and improvises himself director to persuade Smith to have a look at Flint conditions. The authorities waste large amounts of money and many families are evicted. Unemployed people sell their blood, someone else raise rabbits to make a living, others become criminals or prison guards, meanwhile rich local people play golf. Moore chases Smith for three years all over United States only to interview him.
All actors – Michael Moore, Roger B. Smith, Rhonda Britton, Fred Ross, Kaye Lani Rae Rafko, James Blanchard, James Bond, Pat Boone, Anita Bryant, Karen Edgely, Bob Eubanks, Ben Hamper
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