“Skin Deep” quotes
Blake Edwards
directed this movie
in 1989
Title Skin Deep
Year 1989
Director Blake Edwards
Genre Drama, Comedy, Romance
Year 1989
Director Blake Edwards
Genre Drama, Comedy, Romance
All actors – John Ritter, Vincent Gardenia, Alyson Reed, Joel Brooks, Julianne Phillips, Chelsea Field, Peter Donat, Don Gordon, Nina Foch, Denise Crosby, Michael Kidd, Dee Dee Rescher
show all“Skin Deep” Quotes 19 quotes
“There is a God! And he's a gag-writer!”
“- Zach: We both know you're not going to shoot. You couldn't hurt a fly.
- Angie: I could if I caught it fucking my hairdresser!”“- Zach: Give me a suggestion because I know you've got one. I can see it in those beady little Freudian eyes.
- Dr. Westford: If an alcoholic wants me to cure him, you know what I say?
- Zach: That's a question. That's not a suggestion... Okay. What do you say?
- Dr. Westford: First, stop drinking.
- Zach: I don't get it.
- Dr. Westford: Go home...” (continue)(continue reading)“- Zach: What would you do if I told you I've been celibate for six months?
- Alex: Cross my legs.”“- Zach: What have you got against my typewriter?
- Alex: You used to write on it. Books and plays and movies. Once, once you wrote me a poem on our 2nd anniversary and gave it to me. And you were happy. You exorcised your demons with credible thoughts and good words on that typewriter, and your talent turned me on. I really thought we had a...” (continue)(continue reading)“- Zach: I want a loving, faithful, caring, caretaking wife, and I wanna make love to everything else in long skirts, with bare feet and ripe, juicy mouths. Little boy-girls with small firm breasts and tight asses. Rubensque round women with big Mother Earth breasts and green eyes. God! I could go on and on.
- Barney: Don't. I'm getting a...” (continue)(continue reading)“- Zach: You know what I feel like saying to you?
- Dr. Westford: Yes. You feel like telling me to go fuck myself, and you probably will, because it's your character.
- Zach: See you next Tuesday.”“- Zach: You are such a prick!
- Sparky: Most of my friends are pricks.
- Zach: Most of your pricks are friends.”“- Lonnie: I love your sense of humor.
- Zach: And it loves you.”“Not being able to write is like not being able to screw.”
“- Barney: Oh, shit. You drank me out of tequila.
- Zach: It was a dirty job, but somebody had to do it.”“- Zach: If you think I'm such a failure, why do you keep on representing me?
- Sparky: That's like asking a heroin addict why he keeps shooting up. It's because he keeps hoping for that first-time rush, that cherry high, even though he knows he'll never get it again. He's hooked and he keeps hoping.
- Zach: Watch out, I may surprise you.
-...” (continue)(continue reading)“If your trying to redeem yourself by implying that I might have been unfaithful to you, you're barking up the wrong older woman. I could have, but regrettably didn't. I threw out that typewriter because it represents everything that could have been loving and lasting and wonderful, and everything that wasn't.”
“- Barney: Why did you wrap yourself in toilet paper?
- Zach: Because I was cold.”“I've never felt this way before. I'm seriously unhappy. This is just not the bush-league blues. We're talking major-league depression here. I can't sleep. I take pills. But they only last a couple of hours and then I'm up at 4:00 in the morning pacing the fucking house or walking on the cold fucking beach. I'm so miserable, I wanna fucking shoot...” (continue)(continue reading)
“- Zach: You see, I truly love women.
- Barney: Oh, I see.
- Zach: I love everything about them, Barney. I love the way they feel, the way they smell, most of the time. I have to admit, I don't like women with long, round toenails. But that is the only abrogation so far. And so far has been quite a while and quite a few.
- Barney: Oh, that's true.”