“Slacker” quotes
Richard Linklater
directed this movie
in 1991
Title Slacker
Year 1991
Director Richard Linklater
Genre Comedy, Drama
Year 1991
Director Richard Linklater
Genre Comedy, Drama
Plot – One hundred kids, a hundred ways to live one day on a university campus in Austin, Texas. There are rebel or eccentric students, dropouts who have left school, conspiracy theorists and musicians, vagabond and street artists: all of them, each in their own way, live outside the rules of society and talk about their vision of the world.
All actors – Richard Linklater, Rudy Basquez, Jean Caffeine, Jan Hockey, Stephan Hockey, Mark James, Samuel Dietert, Bob Boyd, Terrence Kirk, Keith McCormack, Jennifer Schaudies, Dan Kratochvil
show all“Slacker” Quotes 18 quotes
“Who's ever written a great work about the immense effort required in order not to create?”
“Terrorism is the surgical strike capability of the oppressed.”
“The passion for destruction is also a creative passion.”
“A video image is much more powerful and useful than an actual event. Like back when I used to go out, when I was last out, I was walking down the street and this guy, that came barreling out of a bar, fell right in front of me, and he had a knife right in his back, landed right on the ground and... Well, I have no reference to it now. I can't...” (continue)(continue reading)
I've had a total recalibration of my mind, you know. I mean, it's like I've been banging my head against this 19th century type, um... what? Thought mode? Construct? Human construct? Well, the wall doesn't exist. It's not there, you know. I mean, they tell you "Look for the light at the end of the tunnel". Well, there is no tunnel. There's just... (continue)(continue reading)
“- Been on the Moon Since the 50's: This drug takes away your long term memory, leaves your short term memory - so there you are. Well, you got people who don't know who they are, where they came from. But you tell them something, and they do it. They can follow instructions. Perfect employees.
- Looking for Missing Friend: Sounds like most...” (continue)(continue reading)“When young, we mourn for one woman... as we grow old, for women in general. The tragedy of life is that man is never free yet strives for what he can never be.”
“The more the pain grows, the more this instinct for life somehow asserts itself. The necessary beauty in life is in giving yourself to it completely. Only later will it clarify itself and become coherent.”
“I may live badly, but at least I don't have to work to do it.”
“Every single commodity you produce is a piece of your own death!”
“- Based on Authoritative Sources: Why in the hell is he throwing it in? It's a perfectly good typewriter.
- Guy Who Tosses Typewriter: Because the typewriter isn't the point. The point is it symbolizes the bitch that just fucked him over. It symbolizes the bitch that fucked me over six months ago. And it symbolizes the bitch that's gonna fuck...” (continue)(continue reading)“Every action is a positive action, even if it has a negative result.”
“- Video Interviewer: Did you vote in the last election?
- Hitchhiker Awaiting 'True Call': Hell no, I got less important things to do!”“- Dairy Queen Photographer: Do you fancy yourself as some sort of artist or what?
- Anti-Artist: No, I'm an anti-artist.
- Dairy Queen Photographer: Oooooh, one of those neo-poseur types that hangs out in coffee shops, and... doesn't do much of anything. Yeah.”“- Has Faith in Groups: That's what I hate: When you start talking like this, like you just pull in these things from the shit you read, and you haven't thought it out for yourself, no bearing on the world around us, and totally unoriginal.
- Based on Authoritative Sources: Okay, great. Personal attacks now, is that it? I thought we were beyond...” (continue)(continue reading)“You should never traumatize a woman sexually. I should know, I'm a medical doctor.”