“Slums of Beverly Hills” quotes

Movie Slums of Beverly Hills
Title Slums of Beverly Hills
Year 1998
Director Tamara Jenkins
Genre Comedy, Drama
Plot – In 1976 the Abramowitz family lives a messed up summer as Murray has to take care alone of his three children. He forces his children to frequent movings and currently they live in a studio apartment in a Beverly Hills suburb to attend a prestigious school. Murray actually hasn't an occupation and lives thanks to his brother Mickey's loans. For this reason, Murray welcomes his pregnant niece Rita, who imposes her rhythms at Abramowitz's and talks with teenager Vivian about men, seduction and pleasure. When Mickey wants to know about his daughter's progresses, he accuses Murray of ineptitude, so Vivian explodes, injures her uncle and escapes with Rita. Without money, Murray is forced to move again, until Vivian invites everyone to the restaurant to reconcile.
All actors – Natasha Lyonne, Alan Arkin, Bryna Weiss, Marisa Tomei, Charlotte Stewart, Eli Marienthal, David Krumholtz, Kevin Corrigan, Brendan Burns, Harris Laskawy, Jessica Walter, Mena Suvari
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  • “- Rita: Do you have anything for my nerves? You know, just laying around? Seconal, Demerol, Tuinal, Valium, Quaaludes, Percocet...
    - Vivian: Rita!
    - Eliot: Not my merchandise. I deal exclusively in pot.
    - Rita: That shit makes me paranoid.”

    Marisa Tomei - Rita
    Natasha Lyonne - Vivian
    Kevin Corrigan - Eliot
  • “- Vivian: You dropped out of high school?
    - Eliot: It was an option. I wanted to join the workforce.
    - Vivian: What do you do?
    - Eliot: I sell pot.”

    Natasha Lyonne - Vivian
    Kevin Corrigan - Eliot
    [Tag:drugs, school, working]
  • “- Eliot: Are you telling me I popped your cherry?
    - Vivian: I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. I just wanted to get it over with. No ceremony.
    - Eliot: That puts a lot of pressure on a man. Did you think of that? Did you think of me? You know what this makes me? A criminal. On 2 counts! Devirginizing a minor.”

    Kevin Corrigan - Eliot
    Natasha Lyonne - Vivian
    [Tag:crime, maidenhood, men]