“Super Size Me” quotes
All actors – Morgan Spurlock, Daryl Isaacs, Lisa Ganjhu, Stephen Siegel, Bridget Bennett, Eric Rowley, Mark Fenton, Alexandra Jamieson, John Banzhaf, David Satcher, Lisa Young, Kelly Brownell, Jacob Sullum, Tommy Thompson, William J. Klish, Jared Fogle, John Robbins, Don Gorske, Mary Gorske, Ron English, Margo Wootan, Marion Nestle, Barbara Brown, Kay Glover, Greg Bretthauer, Debra Larson, Paul Stitt, Marlene Canter, Gene Grabowski, Phil Lawler, Bryan Phillips, Gerald N. Tirozzi, Neal Barnard, Catherine Schilcher, Bruce Howlett, Adam Naaman, Carl Geisler, Lisa Howard, Mary Bollino, Samuel Hirsch, Tammy Howlett, Michael Jordan, Ronald McDonald, Ashley Sandy, Kacie Sandy, Laura Sandy, Kymme Simchak, Britney Spears, Caitlin Spurlock
show all“Super Size Me” Quotes 10 quotes
“My body... officially hates me.”
“Everything's bigger in America. We've got the biggest cars, the biggest houses, the biggest companies, the biggest food, and finally: the biggest people.”
“You're sick, and you're making yourself sick, and you can make yourself unsick by stopping doing what you're doing.”
“Originally created from chickens too old to lay eggs, McNuggets are now created from chickens with unusually large breasts.”
“This is the best part of the day, when I get to be fat, on the bed, with my quart of Coke.”
“I think the saturated fats are cutting off the blood flow to his penis.”
“America has now become the fattest nation in the world. Congratulations!”
“- David Satcher: One of the most disturbing things to me is that in the last 20 to 25 years, we've actually seen a doubling of overweight and obese children and adolescents.
- Morgan Spurlock: And this weight gain has been linked to countless health problems later in life.”