“Supergirl” quotes
Plot – Argo is a fantastic lost space city and its leader Zaltar, in an moment of distraction, loses the Omegaedron, a magic blue and gold ball which represents the strength of the community. Kara, Superman's cousin, leaves to search it. On the Earth, Selena finds it and she wants to take advantage of the ball's powers as she's a witch. Kara disguises herself as Linda Lee to fight Selena, but the witch captures her and prepares to dominate the world. As Kara reloads herself with new strengths, she comes back to Earth and finally destroys Selena.
All actors – Faye Dunaway, Helen Slater, Peter O'Toole, Hart Bochner, Mia Farrow, Brenda Vaccaro, Peter Cook, Simon Ward, Marc McClure, Maureen Teefy, David Healy, Sandra Dickinson
show all“Supergirl” Quotes 23 quotes
“Such a pretty world. I can't wait until it's all mine.”
Don't call me "your sweetness." I am not sweet. I am Selena. And I am a bitter, bitter pill to swallow.
“A word of advice, Nigel. If I had your skin problems, I'd stop bothering people, put a bag over my head and go live under a bridge.”
“- Lucy Lane: All you need is a couple of streaks and your ears pierced. I could do it for you, it's easy. You just get a needle, heat it up, dab it with some alcohol, and zap! The guys go crazy!
- Linda Lee: My ears what?
- Lucy Lane: Pierced. Like and you know, I take a needle, and then I heat it up, dab it with some alcohol and, zap, all the...” (continue)(continue reading)“My dear Nigel, the way to a woman's heart is through the elimination of her rivals.”
“I can make the sky rain coconuts with pinpoint accuracy, but I still can't control men's minds.”
“Every time! Send a man to do a woman's job, and that's what you get.”
“Most great artists find mathematics troublesome, Kara. Only use your imagination. Saturn and Earth are in outer space, but we - we are in inner space.”
“- Mr. Danvers: One way or another we're all alone on this miserable little planet.
- Linda Lee: Yes sir, I know.”“I'm considering nothing less than world domination.”
“- Ethan: What's with the Halloween costume?
- Supergirl: This is not a costume. These are my clothes.”“We don't always get what we want, Miss Lane. Disappointments thicken our skins.”
“- Supergirl: Who are you?
- Selena: I am Selena, Diogenes of Catania, Priestess of Sekhmet. I am the Ultimate Siren of Endor. And you, little lady, are trespassing on private property.
- Bianca: [points at Ethan] She means him.
- Supergirl: I am Kara of Argo City, daughter of Alura and Zor-El, and I don't scare easily.”“- Ethan: You just flew over my head, true or false?
- Supergirl: True.
- Ethan: Like Superman.
- Supergirl: He's my cousin.”“- Nigel: You girls are rank amateurs playing with fire.
- Selena: Because we own the matches.”“What good is a sword if it's not unleashed?”
“- Supergirl: You have no friends, Selena. You treat everyone as if they were put on this Earth to serve you.
- Selena: More or less, I think they were. You included.”