“Surf Ninjas” quotes
Plot – A hot and talkative surfboarder from Southern California goes to Asia. Here, he wants to get his throne and his prince’s crown back.
All actors – Ernie Reyes Sr., Ernie Reyes Jr., Nicolas Cowan, John Karlen, Rob Schneider, Oliver Mills, Jonathan Schmock, Neal Israel, Vladimir Parra, Brandon Karrer, Dathon Aragon, Phillip Bayless
show all“Surf Ninjas” Quotes 11 quotes
“- Mac: Iggy, you know, what you need is a professional listener.
- Johnny: He visits the School shrink every day.”Something happened, I don't know what it is, but now every time I say "What if" about something it comes true, and back there I said "What if the the house blows up?", and it blew up! Wow, I have this tremendous responsibility! What if I lose this power? Oh no, I just said "What if I lose this power?". Damn it, I had it, then I lost it!
“- Adam: Kwantsu Dudes!
- Johnny: Wow, they really must like that word.
- Adam: Yeah, it probably means like... free beer, or something.”“- Mac: Boys, how many times do I have to tell you, no Van Halen until after I've had my Coffee.
- Johnny: But we've already had ours.”- Zatch: Something not even money can buy: the knives of Kwantsu.
- Iggy: Knives? Oh yeah, seriously. That's something money can't buy. Knives. Once I went to a cutlery store and said "Here's $100,000, can I buy a knife?". They said, "No. Money can't buy knives". Gee, I guess that's why you hardly ever see any of 'em around.“I just want you to know that I felt completely safe in your arms, and I never said that to a man before.”
“- Johnny: How did you get out of those hand cuffs?
- Lt. Spence: I had a key.
- Johnny: Where, we searched you?
- Lt. Spence: I swallowed it last Tuesday.
- Adam: How'd you know you were gonna need it?
- Lt. Spence: I swallow it every Tuesday.”“- Adam: You know what they say - Chick's got a veil, dude better bail.
- Johnny: If she covers her face, pick up the pace.
- Iggy: She's afraid to show it. She's... probably not very attractive.”“- Johnny: While in Patusan, guests of The Revolution stay at the Mecrob Hilton.
- Iggy: That's the Mecrob Hilton. Serving strange things in shells since 1207.”“Johnny, look. All my life I've done what's expected of a traditional Patusani girl. And who do my parents think they are, telling me who I'm going to marry? I'll decide who I'm going to marry, not them! That is if I marry. I mean that was a really swell kiss and all, but I just didn't want to hurt your feelings about the marriage thing. But we...” (continue)(continue reading)