“Talk Radio” quotes
Oliver Stone
directed this movie
in 1988
Title Talk Radio
Year 1988
Director Oliver Stone
Genre Drama
Year 1988
Director Oliver Stone
Genre Drama
Plot – Barry Champlain is a young Jew who conducts the program 'Voices of the Night' in a radio station. Many people phone him looking for answers and comfort and Barry can easily give advices thanks to his determination and energy. The DJ fights against any kind of abuse of power and any injustice, always defending Jews or black people and homosexuals. Despite his success, his job is stressful as he faces many events daily and only a few listeners really appreciate him. After a very busy weekend, Barry admits to care very little about the others and when he exits the radio station building, an autograph hunter kills him.
All actors – Eric Bogosian, Ellen Greene, Leslie Hope, John C. McGinley, Alec Baldwin, John Pankow, Michael Wincott, Linda Atkinson, Robert Trebor, Zach Grenier, Tony Frank, Harlan Jordan, Bill Johnson, Kevin Howard, Anna Levine, Bruno Rubeo, Pirie MacDonald, Allan Corduner, Mimi Cochran, Rockets Redglare, Angus G. Wynne III, Chip Moody, David Poynter, Peter Zapp, Carl Kissin, Park Overall, Michele Mariana, Earl Hindman, John Seitz, Kyle McClaran, Dee Pyland, Daniel Escobar, William De Acutis, Frederica Meister, Luis Barajas, Vernie Bailey, Martin Rayner, Alan Clark, Moby, John B. Wells, Leigh French, Walter Lynn, Theresa Bell
show all“Talk Radio” Quotes 20 quotes
“Barry and I worked together for over seven years and whenever you threatened him over the air, man he would stick it right back in your face. It was like his dick was flapping in the wind and he'd like to see if he could get an erection. The guy had a little dick but he liked to flap it out there. Then they cut it off, so now he's dead. I don't...” (continue)(continue reading)
“There's nothing more boring than people who love you.”
“Talk Radio! It's the last neighborhood in town, people just don't talk to each other anymore!”
“The worst news of the night is that three out of four people in this country say they rather watch TV than have sex with their spouse. The second worst news is that some kids needed money for crack last night so you know what they did? They stuck a knife in the throat of an eighty year old grandmother down on Euclid Avenue. Right here in Dallas....” (continue)(continue reading)
“If you don't like the heights, don't climb mountains!”
“- Barry: We've brought Kent on board to get an inside look on the future of America. Kent is the classic American youth: energetic and resourceful, spoiled, perverse, and disturbed. Would you say that's an accurate description, Kent?
- Kent: Yup, sure!
- Barry: Now what do you call that haircut?
- Kent: I don't know... Rock and roll!
- Barry:...” (continue)(continue reading)“I don't need your ferior stupidity, you don't get it. It's wasted on you. Pearls before swine.”
“It's tobacco. It kills 350,000 people a year. You know how much coke, crack, heroin, pot kill every year? Four thousand people. Will you listen to sense? Hello? Let me check. Will you listen to logic, please? The only people who benefit from prohibition... are the gangsters makin' the money on it, the politicians condemning it and gettin' your...” (continue)(continue reading)
“You've got nothing, absolutely nothing. No brains, no power, no future, no hope, no God. The only thing you believe in is me. What are you if you don't have me. I'm not afraid see. I come in here every night, I make my case, I make my point, I say what I believe in. I tell you what you are, I have to, I have no choice! You frighten me! I come in...” (continue)(continue reading)
“What do want me to do, Barry? You want me to fall in love with you again?”
“Sticks and stones can break your bones but words cause permanent damage!”
“What you are, Barry, is a fuckin' suit salesman with a big mouth. Let's call a spade a spade.”
“Stop eating with the pussy, go find some.”
“The $200 billion drug problem in this country could disappear overnight. Legalize the damn stuff. Do it today, right after this message. I'm Barry Champlaign. This is Night Talk. We're gonna go to a message. I'll be right back after I shoot up.”
“Yes, the world is a terrible place. Yes, cancer and garbage disposals will get you. Yes, a war is coming. Yes, the world is shot to hell and you're all goners. Everything's screwed up and you like it that way don't you? You're fascinated by the gory details. You're mesmerized by your own fear. You revel in floods and car accidents, unstoppable...” (continue)(continue reading)
“This country is in deep trouble people! This country is rotten to the core and somebody better do something about it! Now I want you to take your hand out of that bowl of Fritos, throw away your National Enquirer, and pick up the phone!”