“The Batman” quotes

Movie The Batman
Matt Reeves directed this movie in 2022
Title The Batman
Year 2022
Director Matt Reeves
Genre Drama, Crime, Action
Plot – The Batman is a 2022 American superhero film based on the DC Comics character Batman and it is a reboot of the Batman film franchise. Bruce Wayne, a reclusive billionaire who has operated for two years as the vigilante Batman, investigates alongside the Gotham City Police Department (GCPD) the murder of Gotham City mayor Don Mitchell Jr. by a sadistic serial killer who calls himself the Riddler.
All actors – Robert Pattinson, Zoë Kravitz, Jeffrey Wright, Colin Farrell, Paul Dano, John Turturro, Andy Serkis, Peter Sarsgaard, Barry Keoghan, Jayme Lawson, Gil Perez-Abraham, Peter McDonald, Con O'Neill, Alex Ferns, Rupert Penry-Jones, Kosha Engler, Janine Harouni, Hana Hrzic, Luke Roberts, Stella Stocker, Sandra Dickinson, Jack Bennett, Lorraine Tai, Joseph Balderrama, James Eeles, Angela Yeoh, Leemore Marrett Jr., Ezra Elliott, Stewart Alexander, Adam Rojko Vega, Heider Ali, Marcus Onilude, Elena Saurel, Ed Kear, Sid Sagar, Amanda Blake, Todd Boyce, Brandon Bassir, Will Austin, Chabris Napier-Lawrence, Douglas Russell, Charlie Carver, Max Carver, Phil Aizlewood, Mark Killeen, Philip Shaun McGuinness, Lorna Brown, Elliot Warren, Jay Lycurgo, Stefan Race, Elijah Baker, Craige Middleburg, Akie Kotabe, Bronson Webb, Arthur Lee, Parry Glasspool, Jordan Coulson, Pat Battle, Mike Capozzola, Amanda Hurwitz, Joshua Eldridge-Smith, Nathalie Armin, Jose Palma
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