“The Black Dahlia” quotes
Brian De Palma
directed this movie
in 2006
Title The Black Dahlia
Year 2006
Director Brian De Palma
Genre Drama, Crime, Thriller, Mystery
Year 2006
Director Brian De Palma
Genre Drama, Crime, Thriller, Mystery
Plot – Set in 1947 Los Angeles, this is the story of two former boxers, Bucky and Lee. The two have become policemen and are now involved in the investigations of the murder of Betty Ann Short, a former prostitute and aspiring actress nicknamed by the newspapers 'Black Dahlia'. Bucky finds out that the woman's boyfriend knows something about how she was brutally killed and even the police are covering up for someone.
All actors – Josh Hartnett, Scarlett Johansson, Aaron Eckhart, Hilary Swank, Mia Kirshner, Mike Starr, Fiona Shaw, Patrick Fischler, James Otis, John Kavanagh, Troy Evans, Anthony Russell
show all“The Black Dahlia” Quotes 13 quotes
“The rich live differently. I guess they get to die differently too.”
“Hollywood will fuck you when no-one else will.”
“Elizabeth and I made love once. I just did it to see what it would be like with someone who looked like me.”
“Hearty fare breeds hearty people, haute cuisine breeds degenerates.”
“- Emmet Linscott: What kind of name is Bleichert? Dutch?
- Dwight 'Bucky' Bleichert: German.
- Emmet Linscott: Ah, a great people, the Germans. Hitler was a bit excessive.”“I lost a lot of things in life... but never a fight for money. I was trading Warrants for a close-out on old bad debts. The eight grand I was going to clear was enough to maintain the old man in a good, clean rest home for three years. The late round tank job - enough to convince myself I wasn't a complete coward.”
“Education's an expensive habit.”
“The gym was packed to the rafters. A wild crowd hungry to see what was in us. I already knew what was in us. Ambition, pride, dissatisfaction at a life turned just the wrong way.”
“I think you'd rather fuck me than kill me. But you don't have the guts to do either.”
“- Madeleine Linscott: Get the picture?
- Dwight 'Bucky' Bleichert: Technicolor.”