“The Craft” quotes
Title The Craft
Year 1996
Director Andrew Fleming
Genre Drama, Horror, Thriller, Fantasy
Year 1996
Director Andrew Fleming
Genre Drama, Horror, Thriller, Fantasy
Plot – Sarah, Nancy, Bonnie and Rochelle are four students in Los Angeles, struggling with the typical everyday life of their age. They freak out when they discover to have supernatural powers and begin to use them without limits to make secret wishes come true, also taking revenge on those who made or are making them suffering. However, this will not last for long.
All actors – Robin Tunney, Fairuza Balk, Neve Campbell, Rachel True, Skeet Ulrich, Christine Taylor, Breckin Meyer, Nathaniel Marston, Cliff De Young, Assumpta Serna, Helen Shaver, Jeanine Jackson
show all“The Craft” Quotes 16 quotes
“Some of these football dicks make their girlfriends come and watch them practice as if it's interesting.”
“You know, if I were as pathetic as you are, I would have killed myself ages ago. You should get on with it.”
“- Mitt: You know this is L.A. We should be learning Mexican or something.
- Chris Hooker: That would be Spanish, genius.”“Have you ever heard of invoking the spirit? It's when you call him... Manon. It's like... it's like you take him into you. It's like he fills you. He takes everything that's gone wrong in your life and makes it all better again.”
“- Nancy Downs: No. It's like God and the Devil. I mean, it's everything. It's the trees, it's the ground, it's the rocks, it's the moon... it's everything.
- Sarah Bailey: It's nature.
- Nancy Downs: If God and the Devil were playing football, Manon would be the stadium that they played on. It would be the sun that shone down on them.”“True magic is neither black, nor white... it's both because nature is both. Loving and cruel, all at the same time.”
“When you open a flood gate, how do you undo it? You unleash something with a spell, there's no undoing. It must run it's course.”
“- Sarah Bailey: [braiding a strand of Laura's hair into Rochelle's] Laura really has split ends.
- Rochelle: Really?
- Sarah Bailey: I guess this confirms she's not a natural blonde.
- Rochelle: Bleach!”“I disagreed with them once and they turned their backs on me. That's not friendship.”
“- Laura Lizzie: Ow! You pulled my hair out!
- Sarah Bailey: Sorry, I thought I saw a bug. They have shampoo for that, you know.
- Laura Lizzie: Stupid bitch.”