“The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys” quotes

Movie The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys
Title The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys
Year 2002
Director Peter Care
Genre Comedy, Drama
Plot – Francis and Tim are struggling with the typical problems of adolescence. They attend a Catholic high school and think the world is a simple and clean place divided between good and bad people. The guys create a comic book following this scheme and its main character is an evil portrayal of their teacher Sister Assunta, who's represented as a sinful motorcyclist who fights good people. Francis in the meantime falls in love with his classmate Margie and he finds out life is rarely what it seems. Tim experiences a series of childish ventures with unforeseeable consequences, while Sister Assunta plots a diabolical plan to take revenge.
All actors – Emile Hirsch, Kieran Culkin, Vincent D'Onofrio, Jena Malone, Jake Richardson, Tyler Long, Jodie Foster, Arthur Bridgers, Scott Simpson, Melissa McBride, Michael Harding, Chandler McIntyre
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