“The Dark Knight Rises” quotes
Christopher Nolan
directed this movie
in 2012
Title The Dark Knight Rises
Year 2012
Director Christopher Nolan
Genre Thriller, Action
Year 2012
Director Christopher Nolan
Genre Thriller, Action
All actors – Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Tom Hardy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Anne Hathaway, Marion Cotillard, Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, Matthew Modine, Alon Aboutboul, Ben Mendelsohn, Burn Gorman, Daniel Sunjata, Aidan Gillen, Sam Kennard, Aliash Tepina, Nestor Carbonell, Brett Cullen, Nick Julian, Miranda Nolan, Claire Julien, Reggie Lee, Joseph Lyle Taylor, Chris Ellis, Tyler Dean Flores, Juno Temple, Duane Henry, James Harvey Ward, Gonzalo Menendez, Cameron Jack, Lex Daniel, Thomas Lennon, Trevor White, Rob Brown, Fredric Lehne, Courtney Munch, Chris Hill, Travis Guba, Jay Benedict, Will Estes, David Dayan Fisher, Phillip James Griffith, Glen Powell, Ben Cornish, Russ Fega, Andres Perez-Molina, Brent Briscoe, John Nolan, Oliver Cotton, Mark Killeen, Sarah Goldberg, John Macmillan, Robert Wisdom, Ronnie Gene Blevins, John Hollingworth, Ian Bohen, Uri Gavriel, Noel Gugliemi, Max Schuler, Daina Griffith, Hector Atreyu Ruiz, Patrick Cox, Aramis Knight, Josh Stewart, William Devane, Harry Coles, Joey King, Liam Neeson, Julie Mun, Cillian Murphy, David Gyasi, Patrick Jordan, Tom Conti, Joshua Elijah Reese, Desmond Harrington, Mychael Bates, Rory Nolan, Tomas Arana, Peter Holden, David Monahan, Jillian Armenante, Aja Evans, Aldous Davidson, Michael James Faradie, Wade Williams, Antwan Lewis, Jake Canuso, Josh Pence, India Wadsworth, Kevin Kiely Jnr, Daniel Newman, Massi Furlan, Warren Brown, Luke Rutherford, Phillip Browne, Christopher Judge, Aldo Bigante, Charles Jackson Coyne, Patrick Leahy, Todd Gearhart, , Marc Abbink, Joseph M. Abbott, Isiah Adams, Siddhant Adlakha, Lucia M. Aguirre, Tony Alameda, Chris Albright, Charlie Alejandro, Brandon Allentoff, Tony Amen, Robert Arensen, Diedra Arthur-O'Ree, James Avise, Grant Babbitt, Fileena Bahris, Jennifer Nicole Baker, Stephanie Bankosh, David Nathie Barnes, Joseph Basile, Tommy Bayiokos, Cameron Bell, Tiffany Bell, Ben Berkowitz, Greg Beville, Brandon Blackwell, James Blankenfeld, Todd Blood, Todd Bobenrieth, Ryan C. Bogdewic, Nathan Bohatch, Rick Bolander, Brendan Boyce, Alonna Breisch, Kyle Patrick Brennan, Luke Broome, Corey Brown, Graham Brown, Ralph Browning, Star Bunner, Steven Butros, Timothy Butts, Norman Cardaro, John Cashin, Jennifer Pearl Childers, Lonell R. Childred, Anthony Chisholm, Scott Churchson, Matt Cipro, Ryan Clark, Danny Clarke, Carl Clemons, Willie Colon, Daniel R. Cooper, Hannah Cooper-Dean, Bill Cowher, Scot Cregan, Ruben Dario Cruz II, Gioacchino Jim Cuffaro, Chris J. Cullen, Ryan Cultrera, Graham Curry, Calvyn Desir, Gina Diaz, Michael Didriksson, Stephanie Domini, Jedidiah Dore, Jonathon Downs, Marvin Duerkholz, Chris Dyer, Aaron Eckhart, R. Michael Egan, Gray Ellis, Guy Evans, Lalaine Fabi, Jonn Faircrest, Mark Falvo, Vincent Farr, Anthony Farraj, Shawn Farrell, John Farrer, James Farrior, Louis Fasanaro, Frank Fata, Susan Feldbusch, Joe Fishel, Luke Oscar Ford, Theodore John Forsi, Justin Fortmeier, Chris Frank, Tom Frank, Matthew Freas, Lisa Garrett, Gary Gibbs, Sophia Gilberto, Gregory Gillaspie, Brent Godek, Christopher Bryan Gomez, Jorge J. González, Matthew Gooley, Jason Gowin, Rey Goyos, Michael Grand, Vito Grassi, Ryan Green, Michael Wren Gucciardo, Kevin Gurnari, Andrew Guzman, Casey Hampton, Frank Hansen, Sam Harris, Greg Hart, Diogo Hausen, Ed Heavey, Wayne Heckler, Quillian Hightower, Pete Buzzsaw Holland, Vera Horton, John W. Iwanonkiw, Sonny Izzo, Cindy Jackson, Sebastian James, Michael Jeremiah, Curtis Jermaine, Rayman Jilani, Edgar Jimz, Stephen T. Johnson, Daniel Jordano, Jacob Kalafut, Joe Kane, William Kania, James Kelley, Tiffany Kemp, Bill Kennedy, David Dustin Kenyon, Andrea Kerry, Sun Jae Kim, Hrvoje Klecz, Sharyn Kmieciak, Zackary Kresser, Ilan Krigsfeld, Alex Kruz, Ty Kunzelman, Tyler La Marr, Shannon Lanier, Joshua Lassman, Robert Leckington, Bryan Lee, Glenn Davis Lee, LeJon, Cynthia Leon De Mendoza-Hanna, Paul Jude Letersky, Gus Lewis, Joe Lipari, Zac Lockard, Silvia Lombardo, Jeremy Long, Amos Mac, Jack Mahrt, Constantine Malahias, John Mancini, Max Mangel, Grant Christopher Maquet, Dan Marcus, Branden Marlowe, Sean Martin, Catya Maré, London May, Mike J. McAllister, Orion McCabe, Sean P. McCarthy, Cale McConnell, David Dale McCue, Kyle McGrath, Tiffany Sander McKenzie, Randall McNeal, Allen Merritt, Heath Miller, Olan Montgomery, Jeremy Moon, Alex Moore, Paul Nandzik, Phil Nardozzi, Nial Nelson-Hopkins, Andy Newman, Drake Nicholas, Alessandro Nicolaci, Adam Night, Shane Nolan, Don Nowacki, Jackson Nunn, Joseph O'Brien, Shaun O'Donnell, Matt O'Gorman, Michael O'Neill, Ben Palladino, Michael Papajohn, Mark Perrone, Steve Perry, Jeffrey D. Petrauskas, Adam Piacente, Ernest Pierce, Kyle David Pierce, Bryan Pixler, Jeff Pixler, David Michael Plowman, Troy Polamalu, TyLean Polley, Maurkice Pouncey, Michael Power, Ryan Preimesberger, James Quinn, Diezel Ramos, Jake Ramos, Luke R. Ravenstahl, Blake Reading, Jason Reneau, Simon Rhee, Joseph Rittenhouse, Linus Roache, Clay Rodery, Shindo Ki Rodriguez, Kirsten Roeters, Ben Roethlisberger, Mark Roman, Earl Rorer, Mike Ruchkin, Aaron T. Rudd, Tyler Rumsey, Joe Rusnak, Jason Sabatasse, Anthony J Sacco, Alan Saginian, Eric Salazar, Greg Sammis, Zachary Scheer, Emily Schooley, Monisha B. Schwartz, Chris Sciacco, Steven Shaffer, Jason Shoemaker, Aubrey Lynea Shore, Barak Shpiez, Saad Siddiqui, Gary Sievers, Aaron Smith, Eric Smith, Colin Snyder, Ken Spassione, Steven T Stanton, Blake Steigerwald, Franz Strassmann, Tom Struthers, John Michael Stubbins, Kevin Tanski, Sami Tesfay, Matthew Thane, Gualberto Del Toro, Joseph Tuiteleleapaga, Thomas Tull, Jaye Tyroff, Craig Usiak, Chris Vaina, Vincent van Ommen, Michelle Vezzani, Chris Victor, Barbara Vincent, Mike Wallace, Hines Ward, Michael O. Watkins, Christopher Watts, Graig F. Weich, James Werley, Lawrence Whitener, Nickolas Wiegand, Justin Michael Woods, Jason Yee, Mitchell Yee, Nikolay Yeriomin, Maria Zambrana, Billy Zhao, David T. Zimmerman, John Zion, Alex Ziwak, Rafael Zubizarreta
show all“The Dark Knight Rises” Quotes 8 quotes
“- Blind Prisoner: You do not fear death. You think this makes you strong. It makes you weak.
- Bruce Wayne: Why?
- Blind Prisoner: How can you move faster than possible, fight longer than possible without the most powerful impulse of the spirit: the fear of death?
- Bruce Wayne: I do fear death. I fear dying in here, while my city burns, and...” (continue)(continue reading)“- Catwoman: You could have gone anywhere, but you came back.
- Batman: So did you.
- Catwoman: Well then I guess we're both suckers.”“Not a lot of people know what it feels like to be angry, in your bones. I mean, they understand, foster parents, everybody understands, for awhile. Then they want the angry little kid to do something he knows he can't do, move on. So after awhile they stop understanding. They send the angry kid to a boys home. I figured it out too late. You...” (continue)(continue reading)
“- Bruce Wayne: Why didn't you just... kill me?
- Bane: You don't fear death... You welcome it. Your punishment must be more severe.
- Bruce Wayne: Torture?
- Bane: Yes. But not of your body... Of your soul.”“- Catwoman: My mother warned me about getting into cars with strange men.
- Batman: This isn't a car.”“Speak of the devil and he shall appear.”
“Peace has cost you your strength! Victory has defeated you!”