“The Day the Earth Stood Still” quotes
Robert Wise
directed this movie
in 1951
Title The Day the Earth Stood Still
Year 1951
Director Robert Wise
Genre Drama, Sci-Fi
Year 1951
Director Robert Wise
Genre Drama, Sci-Fi
Plot – One day a giant flying saucer lands in Washington and something with a human appearance comes out. When a soldier shoots the creature, an automaton disintegrates the soldier in turn. Klaatu, the stranger, is only wound and is taken to the hospital. He would like to confer with all the countries' leaders. Since he cannot do that, he escapes surveillance and goes to a pension where he makes friendship with a young war widow, Helen, and her son Bobby. With the help of Bobby, Klaatu meets the famous prof. Bernhard and finally he hands his message to him.
All actors – Michael Rennie, Patricia Neal, Hugh Marlowe, Sam Jaffe, Billy Gray, Frances Bavier, Lock Martin, , Patrick Aherne, Walter Bacon, Rama Bai, Oscar Blank, Marshall Bradford, Chet Brandenburg, John Brown, John Burton, Michael Capanna, Wheaton Chambers, Spencer Chan, Jean Charney, Beulah Christian, John Close, Louise Colombet, James Conaty, Frank Conroy, Eric Corrie, John Costello, James Craven, Marjorie Crossland, Jack Daly, Elmer Davis, Lawrence Dobkin, Jim Doyle, Roy Engel, Charles Evans, Edith Evanson, Franklyn Farnum, Michael Ferris, Elizabeth Flournoy, Grady Galloway, Bill Gentry, Paul Gerrits, James Gonzalez, Robert Haines, Glenn Hardy, Sam Harris, Harry Harvey, Al Haskell, Gabriel Heatter, Gil Herman, Louis Jean Heydt, John Hiestand, Michael Jeffers, H.V. Kaltenborn, Hassan Khayyam, Richard LaMarr, Harry Lauter, Freeman Lusk, George Lynn, Herbert Lytton, Bert Madrid, Mike Mahoney, Sandee Marriott, David McMahon, Tyler McVey, Harold Miller, Millard Mitchell, Ralph Montgomery, Bruce Morgan, Joseph C. Narcisse, Bill Neff, Howard Negley, Dorothy Neumann, Sammy Ogg, Robert Osterloh, Gayle Pace, Drew Pearson, Ted Pearson, House Peters Jr., 'Snub' Pollard, Mike Ragan, Anthony Redondo, John M. Reed, Bob Reeves, Barry Regan, John Rice, Fay Roope, Pola Russ, James Seay, Bernard Sell, Charles Sherlock, Peter Similuk, Bob Simpson, Joseph P. Sinda, Reginald Lal Singh, Marc Snow, Olan Soule, Kim Spalding, Murray Steckler, Harmon Stevens, Charles Tannen, Glen Walters, Harlan Warde, Gil Warren, Bill Welsh, Rush Williams, Wilson Wood, Carleton Young
show all“The Day the Earth Stood Still” Quotes 6 quotes
“- Mrs. Crockett: You're a long way from home, aren't you, Mr. Carpenter?
- Klaatu: How did you know?
- Mrs. Crockett: Oh, I can tell a New England accent a mile away.”“- Reporter: I suppose you are just as scared as the rest of us.
- Klaatu: In a different way, perhaps. I am fearful when I see people substituting fear for reason.”