“The Devil and Daniel Webster” quotes
Title The Devil and Daniel Webster
Original title All That Money Can Buy
Year 1941
Director William Dieterle
Genre Drama, Comedy, Fantasy
Original title All That Money Can Buy
Year 1941
Director William Dieterle
Genre Drama, Comedy, Fantasy
All actors – Edward Arnold, Walter Huston, Jane Darwell, Simone Simon, Gene Lockhart, John Qualen, H.B. Warner, Frank Conlan, Lindy Wade, George Cleveland, Anne Shirley, James Craig
show all“The Devil and Daniel Webster” Quotes 15 quotes
“Mister Scratch once told you that your soul meant nothing. And you believed him. And you lost your freedom. Freedom isn't just a big word.”
“In the midst of life, one really hates to close these long standing accounts. But, business is business.”
“A man can always change things. That's what makes him different from the barnyard critters.”
“This appears - mind you, I say appears - to be properly drawn. But you shan't have this man. A man isn't a piece of property. Mr. Stone is an American citizen... and an American citizen cannot be forced into the service of a foreign prince.”
“Gentlemen of the jury, it is the eternal right of every man to raise his fist against his fate. But when he does, these are crossroads. You took the wrong turn. So did Jabez Stone. But he found it out in time. He's here tonight to save his soul.”
“I'd fight ten thousand devils to save a New Hampshire man.”
“There is sadness in being a man... but it is a proud thing, too. And out of the suffering and the starvation and the wrong and the right, a new thing has come: a free man.”
“Gentlemen of the jury, don't let this country go to the devil. Free Jabez Stone. God bless the United States and the men who made her free.”
“- Jabez Stone: You promised me happiness, love, and friendship!
- Mr. Scratch: I promised you money and all that money could buy. I don't recall any other obligations.”