“The Diary of a Teenage Girl” quotes

Movie The Diary of a Teenage Girl
Title The Diary of a Teenage Girl
Year 2015
Director Marielle Heller
Genre Drama, Romance
Plot – Minnie Goetze is fifteen and she's an aspiring cartoonist. She's curious about the world around her and she would be quite a typical teenager if she wasn't going to bed with her mother's boyfriend.
All actors – Bel Powley, Willie, Kristen Wiig, Abby Wait, Alexander Skarsgård, Miranda Bailey, Carson D. Mell, John Parsons, Madeleine Waters, Austin Lyon, Quinn Nagle, Davy Clements, Charles Lewis III, David Fine, Susannah Schulman Rogers, Christopher Meloni, Bob Scott, Anthony Williams, Joshua Grannell, Margarita Levieva, Nate Heller, Lance Hill, Jon Freeman, Persephone Gloeckner-Suits, , Natalie Stephany Aguilar, Drew Benda, Robert Cure, Patrick Engler, Douglas Gawoski, Emily Marie Grant, Samantha Hyde, Laura Kennon, Josh Kornbluth, Mark Lavell, Kim Lefebvre, George W. Leonard, John Lobato, Annie Lore, Mary Lu Marr, Malachi Maynard, Alice Medina, Giovanni Miller, Mahal Montoya, Carole Morey, Teresa Navarro, Biff O'Hara, Neil O'Neill, Tye Olson, Erik C. Parker, Vanessa Ross, Molly Shaiken, Derek Stefan, Laurel Steir, David M. Stewart, Tuesday Thomas, Katy Tiemann, Etienne Vick, Nina Vick, Mike Whitaker, Steven Wiig, Yvonne Zarathustra
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