“The Fan” quotes

Movie The Fan
Title The Fan
Year 1981
Director Ed Bianchi
Genre Drama, Horror, Thriller
Plot – Douglas is a very special fan of Sally Ross, a fifty-year-old Hollywood diva. He always writes her letters but they are binned, until he attempts to kill the star.
All actors – Lauren Bacall, James Garner, Maureen Stapleton, Hector Elizondo, Michael Biehn, Anna Maria Horsford, Kurt Johnson, Feiga Martinez, Reed Jones, Kaiulani Lee, Charles Blackwell, Dwight Schultz
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  • “- Sally Ross: Look, how long have we been together?
    - Belle Goldman: Seven years. I must be a masochist.
    - Sally Ross: And I'm a spoiled bitch.
    - Belle Goldman: One of the greatest.”

    Lauren Bacall - Sally Ross
    Maureen Stapleton - Belle Goldman
  • “Dear bitch, see how accessible you are? How would you liked to be fucked with a meat cleaver?”

    Michael Biehn - Douglas Breen
  • “Dear Mr. Breen. Point one: I have no intention of showing your tasteless letter to Ms. Ross. Point two: I believe there is a law against sending pornography through the mail. Point three: If you should be so ill-advised as to write her any more letters, I can assure you there will be no reply.”
    Maureen Stapleton - Belle Goldman
  • “Now I know why I haven't heard from you. Your secretary has been intercepting my letters. Obviously she is jealous of our relationship. Her possessiveness worries me. Has it occurred to you that she might have lesbian tendencies? I think you should get rid of her. I will put all of this in a letter and deliver it to you directly. I won't use my...” (continue)(continue reading)

    Michael Biehn - Douglas Breen
  • “- Jake: Oh come on, babe, what's the matter?
    - Sally Ross: What's the matter? I've got a show to do in five days, the lighting man appears to be learning on the set, my secretary has been attacked, David is dead, and oh yes, there is some fruit cake out there who wants to kill me. Now, to satisfy you more, will you please get the hell out of here?!”

    James Garner - Jake Berman
    Lauren Bacall - Sally Ross