“The Fan” quotes
(1996)Tony Scott
directed this movie
in 1996
Title The Fan
Year 1996
Director Tony Scott
Genre Drama, Thriller, Sport, Action
Year 1996
Director Tony Scott
Genre Drama, Thriller, Sport, Action
Plot – In San Francisco Bobby Rayburn signs a forty million dollars contract with the Giants. In the meantime his fan Gil Renard is in crisis as he's separated from his wife Ellen and he's forbidden to meet his son, also fearing to be fired. His only consolation is the unbounded admiration for Bobby.
All actors – Robert De Niro, Wesley Snipes, Ellen Barkin, John Leguizamo, Benicio Del Toro, Patti D'Arbanville, Chris Mulkey, Andrew J. Ferchland, Brandon Hammond, Charles Hallahan, Dan Butler, Kurt Fuller
show all“The Fan” Quotes 28 quotes
“There comes a time in everybody's life when you have to stand up for somethin'. Otherwise, you're just passin' on through.”
“- Jewel Stern: You're saying there's absolutely no way you can get your boy to talk to me? Is that what you're saying? He's gotta talk to me.
- Manny: I'm saying he'd rather nail his penis to a burning building, is what I'm saying, okay?”