“The Fifth Element” quotes
Luc Besson
directed this movie
in 1997
Title The Fifth Element
Year 1997
Director Luc Besson
Genre Sci-Fi, Adventure, Action
Year 1997
Director Luc Besson
Genre Sci-Fi, Adventure, Action
Plot – In a very distant future, humanity is threatened by evil forces. Every five thousand years, The Fifth Element tries to stop them. It's the only one who can restore the peace on Earth. The Fifth Element is helped by an ex soldier, Korben. The man is helped in turn by Ruby Rhod. The evil is supported by Mr. Zorg, who is trying to take advantage of its power.
All actors – Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman, Ian Holm, Milla Jovovich, Chris Tucker, Luke Perry, Brion James, Tommy 'Tiny' Lister, Lee Evans, Charlie Creed-Miles, Tricky, John Neville, John Bluthal, Mathieu Kassovitz, Christopher Fairbank, Kim Chan, Richard Leaf, Julie T. Wallace, Al Matthews, Maïwenn, John Bennett, Ivan Heng, Sonita Henry, Tim McMullan, Hon Ping Tang, George Khan, John Hughes, Roberto Bryce, Said Talidi, Clifton Lloyd Bryan, Justin Lee Burrows, Richard Ashton, Jerome Blake, Kevin Molloy, Bill Reimbold, Colin Brooks, Anthony Chinn, Sam Douglas, Derek Ezenagu, David Kennedy, David Barrass, Roger Monk, Mac McDonald, Mark Seaton, Jean-Luc Caron, Riz Meedin, Jerry Ezekiel, Indra Ové, Nicole Merry, Stacey McKenzie, Rachel Willis, Genevieve Maylam, Josie Perez, Natasha Brice, Sophia Goth, Martin McDougall, Pete Dunwell, Paul Priestley, Jason Salkey, Stewart Harvey-Wilson, David Fishley, Carlton Chance, Gin Clarke, Vladimir McCrary, Aron Paramor, Alan Ruscoe, Christopher Adamson, Ève Salvail, Kaleem Janjua, Tyrone Tyrell, Kevin Brewerton, Vincenzo Pellegrino, Ian Beckett, Sonny Caldinez, Zeta Graff, Eddie Ellwood, Yui, Laura De Palma, Michael Culkin, Lenny McLean, Robert Oates, John Sharian, Fred Williams, Sibyl Buck, Sarah Carrington, Ali Yassine, Sean Buckley, Dane Messam, Nathan Hamlett, Cecil Cheng, Scott Woods, Leon Dekker, David Garvey, Stanley Kowalski, Omar Williams, Robert Clapperton, Robert Alexander, Mia Frye, Leo Williams, C. Keith Martin, J.D. Dawodu, Patrick Nicholls, Shaun Davis, Roy Garcia, Alex Georgijev, Marie Guillard, Renee Montemayor, Stina Richardson, Kristen Fick, François Guillaume, Kamay Lau, Tracy Redington, Gito Santana, Frank Senger, Joss Skottowe
show all“The Fifth Element” Quotes 17 quotes
“Life, which you so nobly serve, comes from destruction, disorder and chaos. Now take this empty glass. Here it is: peaceful, serene, boring. But if it is destroyed...
[pushes the glass off the table. It shatter on the floor, and several small machines come out to clean it up]
Look at all these little things! So busy now! Notice how each one is...” (continue)(continue reading)“- Police: Are you classified as human?
- Korben Dallas: Negative, I am a meat popsicle.”“Don't watch that stuff all day, sweetie. It'll rot your brain.”
“You're right, you're right, I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry.”
“- Father Vito Cornelius: It's a...
- DJ Ruby Rhod: No. 'Cuz if it was a bomb, the alarms would go off 'cuz all these hotels have bomb detectors, right?
[the alarms go off]”“- Leeloo: Everything you create, you use to destroy.
- Korben Dallas: Yeah, we call it human nature.”“- Mr. Kim: You're not gonna open it? It might be important.
- Korben Dallas: Yeah, like the last two I got were important. The first one was from my wife, telling me she was leaving. The second was from my lawyer, telling me he was leaving... with my wife.”“I don't like warriors. Too narrow-minded, no subtlety. And worse, they fight for hopeless causes. Honor? Huh! Honor's killed millions of people, it hasn't saved a single one.”
“- Korben Dallas: …And the third one?
- General Munro: Of all the members of your unit, you're the only one left alive.”“- Head Scientist: Anticipation denotes intelligence.
- Father Vito Cornelius: The most terrible intelligence imaginable.”“I know this music...
[plants a bomb]
Let's change the beat.”