“The House of Mirth” quotes

Movie The House of Mirth
Title The House of Mirth
Year 2000
Director Terence Davies
Genre Drama, Romance
Plot – Lily Bart is in precarious economic conditions and loves Selden, a penniless lawyer. She asks help to the tyconn Gus Trenor but he blackmails her, anyway Sim Rosdale, an enriched man, solves everything. She proposes but he refuses and she's now forced to look for a job, but she starts drinking and she gets fired. She searches Selden again but she doesn't find him and she dies.
All actors – Gillian Anderson, Dan Aykroyd, Eleanor Bron, Terry Kinney, Anthony LaPaglia, Laura Linney, Jodhi May, Elizabeth McGovern, Eric Stoltz, Penny Downie, Pearce Quigley, Helen Coker
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