“The Hurt Locker” quotes

Movie The Hurt Locker
Title The Hurt Locker
Year 2008
Director Kathryn Bigelow
Genre Drama, History, Thriller
Plot – A US Army task force works to defuse unexploded devices hidden by the Jihad in Iraq. Sergeant William James, a specialist who has accomplished hundreds of successfully operations, takes the command of the department composed by Sergeant JT Sanborn and Specialist Owen Eldridge. James seems to be indifferent to death, but consequences are unforeseeable.
All actors – Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie, Brian Geraghty, Guy Pearce, Ralph Fiennes, David Morse, Evangeline Lilly, Christian Camargo, Suhail Aldabbach, Christopher Sayegh, Nabil Koni, Sam Spruell, Sam Redford, Feisal Sadoun, Barrie Rice, Imad Dadudi, Erin Gann, Justin Campbell, Malcolm Barrett, Kristoffer Ryan Winters, J.J. Kandel, Ryan Tramont, Michael Desante, Hasan Darwish, Wasfi Amour, Nibras Qassem, Ben Thomas, Nader Tarawneh, Anas Wellman, Omar Mario, Fleming Campbell, , Tommy Dallace, Jeffrey Feingold, Jerry Fortuna, David Gueriera, Joseph Martinus, Kate Mines, Yousef Shweihat
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  • “- Guard at Liberty Gate: What the fuck are you doing?
    - Staff Sergeant William James: I was in a whorehouse.
    - Guard at Liberty Gate: All right. If I let you in, will you tell me where it is exactly?”

    Ryan Tramont - Guard at Liberty Gate
    Jeremy Renner - Staff Sergeant William James
  • “- Staff Sergeant William James: I had a girlfriend and, uh, she got pregnant, so we got married, and we got divorced... or, you know, I thought we got divorced. I mean, she's still living in the house and she says we're still together, so I... I don't know. Wha-what does... what does that make her? I don't know.
    - Sergeant JT Sanborn: Dumb......” (continue)
    (continue reading)
    Jeremy Renner - Staff Sergeant William James
    Anthony Mackie - Sergeant JT Sanborn
  • “- Specialist Owen Eldridge: Aren't you glad the Army has all these tanks parked here? Just in case the Russians come and we have to have a big tank battle?
    - Sergeant JT Sanborn: I'd rather be on the side with the tanks, just in case, than not have them.”

    Brian Geraghty - Specialist Owen Eldridge
    Anthony Mackie - Sergeant JT Sanborn
    [Tag:army, weapons]
  • “You love playing with that. You love playing with all your stuffed animals. You love your mommy, your daddy, your nature pajamas. You love everything, don't ya? Yeah. But you know what, buddy? As you get older... some of the things that you love might not seem so special anymore, you know?”

    Jeremy Renner - Staff Sergeant William James
  • “- Staff Sergeant William James: The DVD you sold me was crap.
    - Beckham: You crazy, man. That's impossible. It's Hollywood special effects.
    - Staff Sergeant William James: No. It was shaky. It was out of focus, buddy.
    - Beckham: What, you want donkey porn?
    - Staff Sergeant William James: It's crap.
    - Beckham: Girls on dog? Gay sex, man? Anything...” (continue)
    (continue reading)
    Jeremy Renner - Staff Sergeant William James
    Christopher Sayegh - Beckham
  • “- Colonel Reed: What's the best way... to... to go about disarming one of these things?
    - Staff Sergeant William James: The way you don't die, sir.”

    David Morse - Colonel Reed
    Jeremy Renner - Staff Sergeant William James
  • “Going to war is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It could be fun.”
    Christian Camargo - Colonel John Cambridge
    [Tag:experience, war]
  • “- Sergeant JT Sanborn: Welcome to Bravo Company. Welcome to Camp Victory.
    - Staff Sergeant William James: Ah, Camp Victory? I thought this was Camp Liberty.
    - Sergeant JT Sanborn: Ah, no, they changed that about a week ago. 'Victory' sound' better.”

    Anthony Mackie - Sergeant JT Sanborn
    Jeremy Renner - Staff Sergeant William James
    [Tag:name, soldiers, war]
  • “- Colonel Reed: Yeah. How many bombs have you disarmed?
    - Staff Sergeant William James: Uh, I'm... I'm not quite sure.
    - Colonel Reed: Sergeant?
    - Staff Sergeant William James: Yes, sir.
    - Colonel Reed: I asked you a question.
    - Staff Sergeant William James: Eight hundred seventy-three, sir.”

    David Morse - Colonel Reed
    Jeremy Renner - Staff Sergeant William James
    [Tag:army, questions]
  • “- Specialist Owen Eldridge: Anyone comes alongside a Humvee, we're dead. Anybody even looks at you funny, we're dead. Pretty much the bottom line is, if you're in Iraq, you're dead. How's a fucking tank supposed to stop that?
    - Sergeant JT Sanborn: Would you shut the fuck up, Owen, please?
    - Specialist Owen Eldridge: Sorry. Just tryin' to scare...” (continue)
    (continue reading)
    Brian Geraghty - Specialist Owen Eldridge
    Anthony Mackie - Sergeant JT Sanborn
    [Tag:fear, killing, war]
  • “- Contractor Team Leader: We have a flat tire. Can you help us?
    - Staff Sergeant William James: Sure, yeah. You got any spares?
    - Contractor Team Leader: Well, we have spares, but we used up our wrench.
    - Staff Sergeant William James: How do you use up a wrench?
    - Contractor Team Leader: Well, the, uh... the guy over there with the red thing on...” (continue)
    (continue reading)
    Ralph Fiennes - Contractor Team Leader
    Jeremy Renner - Staff Sergeant William James
  • “The older you get, the fewer things you really love, and by the time you get to my age, maybe it's only one or two things.”
    Jeremy Renner - Staff Sergeant William James
    [Tag:aging, love]