“The Legend of Custer” quotes

Movie The Legend of Custer
Title The Legend of Custer
Year 1968
Directors Norman Foster, Sam Wanamaker
Genre Western
All actors – Wayne Maunder, Slim Pickens, Michael Dante, Robert F. Simon, Mary Ann Mobley, Alexander Davion, Grant Woods, William Mims, Rodolfo Acosta, Richard Schuyler, Hick Hill, Peter Palmer
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  • “- Crazy Horse: What is it you want? Our land? Our women? What do we have left that the white man has not already taken from us?
    - William R. Tymen: Gold. My price is one hundred dollars in gold or money for each gun and I'll throw in a case of shells for every one you want.
    - Santanya: But we have no gold or money.
    - William R. Tymen: You can...” (continue)
    (continue reading)
    Michael Dante - Crazy Horse
    William Mims - William R. Tymen
    Rodolfo Acosta - Santanya
    [Tag:gold, request]
  • “- General Alfred Terry: For the record, I don't like you. You're too sure of yourself, too much your own man.
    - Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer: Then why did you bring me back?
    - General Alfred Terry: Because, by the Almighty, you're a soldier. There's another kind of war brewing out here on the frontier. We're going to need every...” (continue)
    (continue reading)
    Robert F. Simon - General Alfred Terry
    Wayne Maunder - Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer
    [Tag:ability, soldiers]
  • “- Captain Marcus A. Reno: The boy general. You'd think they'd have more sense then to reinstate him.
    - Captain Myles Keogh: Why not?
    - Captain Marcus A. Reno: I've served with him before. Look at him: 28-years-old, arrogant, conceited... never mind, you'll find out.
    - Captain Myles Keogh: Aye, I'm lookin' forward to it.”

    Alexander Davion - Captain Marcus A. Reno
    Grant Woods - Captain Myles Keogh
    [Tag:behavior, sarcasm]