“The Losers” quotes

Movie The Losers
Title The Losers
Year 2010
Director Sylvain White
Genre Drama, Crime, Thriller, Mystery, Action
Plot – The movie tells the story of an elite US Special Forces unit sent into the Bolivian jungle on a 'search and destroy' mission. The team - Clay, Jensen, Roque, Pooch and Cougar – finds itself being the target of a lethal betrayal instigated from inside by a powerful enemy known only by the name Max. Taking advantage of the fact that everyone thinks the squad is dead, the men fight strenuously to prove their innocence and also settle the bill with Max. They are joined by the mysterious Aisha, a beautiful agent with her own plan and who knows how to take care of herself just fine.
All actors – Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Zoe Saldana, Chris Evans, Idris Elba, Columbus Short, Óscar Jaenada, Jason Patric, Holt McCallany, Peter Macdissi, Peter Francis James, Tanee McCall-Short, Mark Ginther, Daniel Kalal, Colin Follenweider, Garrett Warren, Rey Hernandez, Ernesto Morales, Evan Mirand, Noel Estrella, Gunner Wright, Robert Slavonia, Debbie Ann Rivera, Kirk Sullivan, Marcos Davila, Alanis M. Salinas, Manuel O. Velazquez, Thomas R. Nunan III, John Galindez, Lindsey Sutton, Alan J. Trudeau, Rafael Lopez Diaz, Norman Grant, Krissy Korn, Arielle Chacon, Murisa Harba, Mariselle Morales, Jadah Lynn Platt, Ramiro 'Ramir' Delgado Ruiz, Isaac Santiago, Carla Tricoli
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