“The Man with Two Brains” quotes

Movie The Man with Two Brains
Carl Reiner directed this movie in 1983
Title The Man with Two Brains
Year 1983
Director Carl Reiner
Genre Sci-Fi, Comedy, Romance
Plot – Dr. Michel Hfuhruhurr is a piooner of brain surgery. He is a widower and he is seduced by the beautiful Dolores, who convinces him to marry her. During an international meeting of medicine, Hfuhruhurr meets the extravagant Dr. Necessiter, who secretly keeps a collection of “living” human brains in his laboratory. Hfuhruhurr finds out to be particularly attracted to one of those brains.
All actors – Steve Martin, Kathleen Turner, David Warner, Paul Benedict, Richard Brestoff, James Cromwell, George Furth, Peter Hobbs, Earl Boen, Bernie Hern, Francis X. McCarthy, William Traylor, Randi Brooks, Bernard Behrens, Russell Orozco, Natividad Vacío, David Byrd, Adrian Ricard, Sparky Marcus, Perla Walter, Mya Stark, Don McLeod, Peter Elbling, Kate Sarchet, Wendy Sherman, Warwick Sims, Breck Costin, Tom Spratley, Estelle Reiner, Art Holliday, Jeffrey Combs, Jenny Gago, Elma V. Jackson, Oceana Marr, John Easton Stuart, Haunani Minn, Mel Gold, Stepfanie Kramer, George Fisher, Merv Griffin, Sissy Spacek
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