“The Negotiator” quotes
F. Gary Gray
directed this movie
in 1998
Title The Negotiator
Year 1998
Director F. Gary Gray
Genre Drama, Crime, Thriller, Mystery, Action
Year 1998
Director F. Gary Gray
Genre Drama, Crime, Thriller, Mystery, Action
Plot – Danny Roman works for the Chicago police with the delicate task of conducting negotiations with kidnappers and psychos. When his best friend and partner Nathan is assassinated and Danny finds himself stuck in a corrupted game, he must convince his colleagues that he has nothing to do with the murder and the only solution is paradoxical: he has to overthrow his role becoming apparently insane letting Chris Sabian, a cop he knows to be impartial, to negotiate with him.
All actors – Samuel L. Jackson, Kevin Spacey, David Morse, Ron Rifkin, John Spencer, J.T. Walsh, Siobhan Fallon, Paul Giamatti, Regina Taylor, Bruce Beatty, Michael Cudlitz, Carlos Gómez, Tim Kelleher, Dean Norris, Nestor Serrano, Doug Spinuzza, Leonard L. Thomas, Stephen Lee, Lily Nicksay, Lauri Johnson, Sabi Dorr, Gene Wolande, Rhonda Dotson, Donald Korte, Anthony T. Petrusonis, John McDonald, Jack McLaughlin-Gray, John Lordan, Jack Shearer, Donna Ponterotto, Michael Shamus Wiles, Mik Scriba, Joey Perillo, Mary Page Keller, Kelsey Mulrooney, Brad Blaisdell, Bruce Wright, Robert David Hall, Guy Van Swearingen, Bernard Hocke, Tony Mockus Jr., Carol-Anne Touchberry, Robert Jordan, Geoff Morrell, Janna Tetzlaff, Millie Santiago, Mike Leiderman, Jay Levine, Mark Giangreco, Rick Scarry, Mary Ingersoll, McNally Sagal, Mary Major, Lynn Rondell, Edwina Moore, Lynn Forslund, Muriel Clair, Mary Ann Childers, Diann Burns, Carla Sanchez, Charles Valentino, Robert Baier, Ted Montue, John Buckley, Darius Aubry, Steven Maines, Caine, Max, Andy-John, James Blackburn, Tom Bower, Spitfire Brown, Wayne Eric, David Michael Fordham, Paul Guilfoyle, Julie O'Malley, Todd Rheingold, Jack Rooney, Rick Touhy
show all“The Negotiator” Quotes 12 quotes
“Once you familiarize yourself with the chains of bondage you prepare your own limbs to wear them. Fuckin' Abraham Lincoln said it, and I fuckin' believe it, so you have got to get me the fuck out! Now!”
“When your friends betray you, sometimes the only people you can trust are strangers.”
“Why d'you always pick on me? What am I, Charlie Brown?”
- Danny Roman: I like westerns, like Shane.
- Chris Sabian: It's interesting that you pick one where the hero dies.
- Danny Roman: What are you talking about? He doesn't die. He rides off into the sunset, and that kid says "Come back, Shane!".
- Chris Sabian: That's a common misconception, in the last frame he's slumped over on his horse.
-... (continue)(continue reading)“- Danny Roman: You were wrong about me. What if I'm right about them?
- Chris Sabian: But what if you're wrong about me?”“I like animals better than people sometimes... Especially dogs. Dogs are the best. Every time you come home, they act like they haven't seen you in a year. And the good thing about dogs... is they got different dogs for different people. Like pit bulls. The dog of dogs. Pit bull can be the right man's best friend... or the wrong man's worst...” (continue)(continue reading)
“There's the right man's best friend and the wrong man's worst enemy.”
“You think killing a man gives you the right to negotiate with me?”
“- Danny Roman: You working?
- Chris Sabian: Sort of. I was negotiating a truce between my wife and daughter.
- Danny Roman: Then I'm proved to be easy by comparison.
- Chris Sabian: It wouldn't surprise me in the least.”“A quick lesson in lying. See, this is what us real cops do: We study liars. Example: If I ask you a question about something visual, like your favorite color, your eyes go up and to the left. Neurophysiology tells us your eyes go in that direction, because you're accessing the visual cortex. So you're telling the truth. If your eyes go up and...” (continue)(continue reading)