“The Piano” quotes

Movie The Piano
Jane Campion directed this movie in 1993
Title The Piano
Year 1993
Director Jane Campion
Genre Drama, Romance
Plot – Ada is mute since she was nine. She arrives in New Zealand to meet Stewart, the husband she has married by proxy. Her daughter Flora travels with her, as well as many trunks and a piano that Stewart decides to leave on the beach because it's too heavy. Baines, a white man close to Maori customs, helps Ada to take it back, then he asks Ada to give him lessons in exchange of erotic games. She accepts only to play, but Flora opposes to their newborn relationship, which ends up into tragedy.
All actors – Holly Hunter, Harvey Keitel, Sam Neill, Anna Paquin, Kerry Walker, Geneviève Lemon, Tungia Baker, Ian Mune, Peter Dennett, Te Whatanui Skipwith, Pete Smith, Bruce Allpress, Cliff Curtis, Carla Rupuha, Mahina Tunui, Hori Ahipene, Gordon Hatfield, Mere Boynton, Kirsten Batley, Tania Burney, Annie Edwards, Harina Haare, Christina Harimate, Steve Kanuta, P.J. Karauria, Sonny Kirikiri, Alain Makiha, Greg Mayor, Neil Mika Gudsell, Guy Moana, Joseph Otimi, Glynis Paraha, Riki Pickering, Eru Potaka Dewes, Liane Rangi Henry, Huihana Rewa, Tamati Rice, Paora Sharples, George Smallman, Kereama Teua, Poamo Tuialii, Susan Tuialii, Kahumanu Waake, Lawrence Wharerau, Eddie Campbell, Roger Goodburn, Stephen Hall, Greg Johnson, Wayne McGoram, Jon Brazier, Stephen Papps, Nicola Baigent, Ruby Codner, Karen Colston, Verity George, Julie Steele, Timothy Raby, Jon Sperry, Isobel Dryburgh, Claire Lourie, Rose McIver, Amber Main, Rachael Main, Sean Abraham, Tomas Dryburgh, Simon Knight-Jones, Julian Lee, Daniel Lunn, Barbara Grover, Arthur Ranford, Rob Ellis, Terrence Garbolino, William Matthew, Nancy Flyger, George Boyle, Jason Aranui, Thomas Crowe, Shane Howell, Sam Ingley, Lance Kahukiwa, Graham Kereama Barrett, Wayne Kingi, Lucas Puhi Thompson, Peter Rangitaawa, Joseph Samuel, Thomas Searancke, Philip Taiaho Heke, George Te Huia, Alfred Tiaki Hotu, Flynn the Dog
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