“The Pirates of Penzance” quotes

Movie The Pirates of Penzance
Title The Pirates of Penzance
Year 1994
Directors Peter Butler, Craig Schaefer
Genre Comedy, Musical
All actors – Jon English, Helen Donaldson, Toni Lamond, Derek Metzger, Tim Tyler, Susie French, Melissa Langton, Anna Butera, Marc James, Simon Gallaher, Glynn Nicholas, Jason Barry-Smith
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  • I am the very model of a modern Major-General. I have information seminal and cultural and federal and regional and functional and fictional and textural, abominididible... abdomininibible... I can't say that word... "terrible"... scriptural, confessional and sexual. Sorry, slipped out.
    Derek Metzger - Major-General Stanley
  • “I am the very bottle of a Perrier that's mineral!”
    Derek Metzger - Major-General Stanley