“The Place Beyond the Pines” quotes
All actors – Ryan Gosling, Craig Van Hook, Eva Mendes, Olga Merediz, Angelo Anthony Pizza, Mahershala Ali, John Facci, Ben Mendelsohn, Tula, Penny, Cynthia Pelletier-Sullivan, Mackenzie Trainor, Nicole Califano, Shannon Plumb, Tracey Agustin, Ean Egas, Bob Dieterich, Thomas Mattice, Adam Nowicki, Mark J. Caruso, G. Douglas Griset, Vanessa Thorpe, Gail Martino, Brian Smyj, Bradley Cooper, Dorothy Rutherford, Paul Steele, Gabe Fazio, Rose Byrne, Travis Jackson Campbell, Trevor Jackson Campbell, Harris Yulin, Jan Libertucci, Robert Clohessy, Bruce Greenwood, Subrina Dhammi, Heather Chestnut, Greta Seacat, Ray Liotta, Luke Pierucci, Jessica Layton, James J. Gleason, Patrick Husted, Emory Cohen, Joe B. McCarthy, Jefrey Pollock, Lynette Howell Taylor, Sarah Curcio, Dane DeHaan, Ephraim Benton, Mark McCracken, Adriel Linyear, Kevin Green, Jennifer Sober, Melissa Mills, Alex Pulling, Dante Shafer, Kayla Smalls, Frank J. Falvo, Leah Bliven, Whitney Hudson, Breanna Dolen, Hugh T. Farley, Michael Cullen, , Jeremiah Bagley, Mike Barry, Joseph Basile, Jeremie Carlson, Dj Nino Carta, April Crisafulli, Julie E. Davis, Dean Denisio, George Forrester, Karen Gazda, Ron Komora, Andrew Krakat, Jennifer Lefsyk, Marybeth Leo-Smullen, Benjamin Lott, Sabrina Lott, Michael Marino, Lindsay McKearn, Kimberly Moore, Mark Musto, Byron Nilsson, Emilio Pagan-Yourno, Jim Powers, Steve Powers, Daniel Rayome, Don Rittner, Steve Ritzko, Casey Roberts, John Romeo, Nicole Signore, Erwin Urias, Sam Wagner, Kevin Craig West
show all“The Place Beyond the Pines” Quotes 9 quotes
“He's my son and I should be around him. I wasn't around my dad and look at the fuckin' way I turned out.”
“If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder.”
“You fucked up my son's life. Therefore, you fucked up my life.”
“A limp goes a long way in politics.”
“He wasn't afraid of making enemies. I think that's probably why he had so many friends.”
“I'm still his father, I can give him stuff.”
“He can get his own girl and his own kid, that's every man's right.”
“He had that quality that judges have, where they have tremendous compassion, but they're also ferocious at the same time.”