“The Talk of the Town” quotes
(1942)“The Talk of the Town” Quotes 10 quotes
“If you know what's good for you, take those weapons home and burn them! And then think... think of this country and of the law that makes it what it is. Think of a world crying for this very law! And maybe you'll understand why you ought to guard it.”
“The law must be engraved in our hearts and practiced every minute to the letter and spirit.”
“Why the law has got to be the personal concern of every citizen. To uphold it for your neighbor as well as yourself. Violence against it is one mistake.”
“Alright, Joseph, you conduct the law your way on random sentimentality and you will have violence and disorder.”
“I don't approve of, but I like people who think in terms of ideal conditions. They're the dreamers, poets, tragic figures in this world, but interesting.”
“Another mistake is for any man to look upon the law as just a set of principles. And just so much language printed on fine, heavy paper. Something he recites and then leans back and takes it for granted that justice is automatically being done.”