“The Thing from Another World” quotes

Movie The Thing from Another World
Howard Hawks directed this movie in 1951
Title The Thing from Another World
Year 1951
Directors Christian Nyby, Howard Hawks
Genre Sci-Fi, Horror
Plot – Captain Pat Hendry and reporter Ned Scott receive an urgent call from a North Pole base. Led by scientist Carrington they reach the base and find a giant bomb in the ice. The device breaks and a frozen body is recovered. Carried to the base, the body melts. The mysterious individual probably comes from Mars and it's very dangerous.
All actors – Margaret Sheridan, Kenneth Tobey, Robert Cornthwaite, Douglas Spencer, James Young, Dewey Martin, Robert Nichols, William Self, Eduard Franz, Sally Creighton, James Arness, , Edmund Breon, Nicholas Byron, John Dierkes, George Fenneman, Lee Tung Foo, Paul Frees, Everett Glass, 'King Kong' Kashey, David McMahon, Bill Neff, Walter Ng, Charles Opunui, Norbert Schiller, Robert Stevenson, Riley Sunrise
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  • “- Nikki: Anybody around here want some coffee?
    - Hendry: No, but you can come in.
    - Nikki: That's the only reason I brought it. I was hoping you'd ask me.”

    Margaret Sheridan - Nikki Nicholson
    Kenneth Tobey - Capt. Patrick Hendry
  • “Watch the skies, everywhere! Keep looking. Keep watching the skies!”
    Douglas Spencer - Ned Scott
  • “There are no enemies in science, only phenomena to be studied.”
    Robert Cornthwaite - Dr. Arthur Carrington
    [Tag:enemy, science]
  • Knowledge is more important than life, Captain. We've only one excuse for existing - to think, to find out, to learn.”
    Robert Cornthwaite - Dr. Arthur Carrington
  • “- Dr. Arthur Carrington: You're acting like frightened children.
    - Hendry: You're right, Doctor... I am frightened.”

    Robert Cornthwaite - Dr. Arthur Carrington
    Kenneth Tobey - Capt. Patrick Hendry
    [Tag:behavior, fear]