“This Is England” quotes

Movie This Is England
Title This Is England
Year 2006
Director Shane Meadows
Genre Crime, Drama
All actors – Thomas Turgoose, Stephen Graham, Jo Hartley, Andrew Shim, Vicky McClure, Joseph Gilgun, Rosamund Hanson, Andrew Ellis, Perry Benson, George Newton, Frank Harper, Jack O'Connell
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  • “Some people say we're racists. We're not racists. We're realists. Some people call us Nazis. We're not Nazis. No, what we are, we are nationalists and there's a reason people try to pigeonhole us like this. And that is because of one word, fear.”

    Frank Harper - Lenny
  • “Now I want you on your best behaviour.”

    Stephen Graham - Combo
    [Tag:behavior, good]
  • “- Combo: What do you think makes a bad father?
    - Milky: I don't know. How about you, what do you think?
    - Combo: Niggers.”

    Stephen Graham - Combo
    Andrew Shim - Milky
    [Tag:father, racism]
  • “- Smell: I loved when you gave me that cake, that was sweet. Did you make it yourself?
    - Shaun: Ya.
    - Smell: You didn't make it yourself, did you?
    - Shaun: No.”

    Rosamund Hanson - Smell
    Thomas Turgoose - Shaun
    [Tag:ability, lies]
  • “- Mr. Sandhu: Oh, and you're banned.
    - Shaun: Oh, and you're a mong.”

    Kriss Dosanjh - Mr. Sandhu
    Thomas Turgoose - Shaun
    [Tag:argument, insult]
  • “That's what this nation has been built on, proud men. Proud fucking warriors! Two thousand years this little tiny fucking island has been raped and pillaged, by people who have come here and wanted a piece of it - two fucking world wars!”

    Stephen Graham - Combo
  • “- Combo: But I've got one question to ask you. Do you consider yourself English, or Jamaican?
    - Milky: English.
    - Combo: Lovely, lovely, love you for that, that's fucking great. A proud man, learn from him; that's a proud man. That's what we need, man.”

    Stephen Graham - Combo
    Andrew Shim - Milky
    [Tag:england, nation, pride]
  • Men have laid down their lives for this. For this... and for what? So people can stick their fucking flag in the ground and say, "Yeah! This is England. And this is England, and this is England".
    Stephen Graham - Combo