“Time Bandits” quotes
Terry Gilliam
directed this movie
in 1981
Title Time Bandits
Year 1981
Director Terry Gilliam
Genre Sci-Fi, Comedy, Adventure, Fantasy
Year 1981
Director Terry Gilliam
Genre Sci-Fi, Comedy, Adventure, Fantasy
Plot – Kevin is an eleven-year-old boy who enjoys reading fantasy novels to overcome the boredom of endless evenings spent with his parents who are obsessed by television and appliances. One night he sees six dwarves coming out of his closet. They own a map showing time holes, through which it is possible to travel in time. The Supreme Being created the world in six days and has neglected some finishing touches, such as these holes, which allow the six dwarves to steal in one era and run away in another. During an escape they barge into Kevin's room and take him with them, making him a companion of adventures and robberies throughout the centuries.
All actors – John Cleese, Sean Connery, Shelley Duvall, Katherine Helmond, Ian Holm, Michael Palin, Ralph Richardson, Peter Vaughan, David Warner, David Rappaport, Kenny Baker, Malcolm Dixon
show all“Time Bandits” Quotes 29 quotes
“- Evil: God isn't interested in technology. He cares nothing for the microchip or the silicon revolution. Look how he spends his time, forty-three species of parrots! Nipples for men!
- Robert: Slugs.
- Evil: Slugs! He created slugs! They can't hear. They can't speak. They can't operate machinery. Are we not in the hands of a lunatic?”“There used to be a time when you could be sure of catching old boots, cans, hat racks, boxes. Now it's prawns all the bloody time.”
“If I were creating the world I wouldn't mess about with butterflies and daffodils. I would have started with lasers, eight o'clock, Day One!”