“Tommy Boy” quotes
Peter Segal
directed this movie
in 1995
Title Tommy Boy
Year 1995
Director Peter Segal
Genre Comedy, Adventure
Year 1995
Director Peter Segal
Genre Comedy, Adventure
Plot – In Sandusky, Ohio, young fatso Tommy Callahan’s, before even having a chance to receive his father’s congratulations for his graduation and congratulate in turn to him on his marriage with lovely Beverly (who provides him among other things Paul, his brother) sees his father Tom die on his wedding day, as a result of an excessive singing performance. Left on his own to lead the family’s automobile parts business, Tommy must absolutely get a certain number of orders, otherwise Callahan Auto Parts will be absorbed into Zalinski’s company. He is shadowed by Richard Hayden, his father’s right-hand man, who thinks Tommy isn’t worth a bit because of his disastrous beginning. Meanwhile Michelle, who manages the deliveries and is fond of Tommy, recognizes an unusual affectionate attitude between Beverly and Paul, so she engages her policeman brother. Tommy manages among his sales failures to set fire to a client’s office and destroy Richard’s car, that gets definitely destroyed by a deer who was previously run over and that molds the sedan into a ramshackle coupe. Fortunately Tommy starts to be a valuable seller and increases the number of orders. But Paul sabotages the computer and thwarts the efforts of the two managers of the company, who Beverly and her son want to sell to Zalinski. Right when they are about to sign the incorporation’s papers, Tommy bursts in packed with TNT and followed by a private TV station. He is then able to convince the tycoon not to buy the Callahan Auto Parts and sell its products in his stores instead.
All actors – Chris Farley, David Spade, Brian Dennehy, Bo Derek, Dan Aykroyd, Julie Warner, Sean McCann, Zach Grenier, James Blendick, Clinton Turnbull, Ryder Britton, Paul Greenberg
show all“Tommy Boy” Quotes 24 quotes
“Ugh, I can actually hear you getting fatter.”
“- Richard: Housekeeping, you want towel?
- Tommy: No towels. Need sleepy.
- Richard: Housekeeping, you want mint for pillow?
- Tommy: Please go away let me sleep for the love of God!
- Richard: Housekeeping, you want me jerk you off?
- Tommy: [gets out of bed] What kinda hotel is this?... [opens the door] Oh, it's you.”“- Frank Rittenhauer: If this factory goes under, the whole town goes under.
- Boardroom Lady: That's when the whores come in.
- Paul Barish: Excuse me, what was that?
- Boardroom Lady: Men laying their trick-money down. Twenty dollars to pay the rent? Maybe not. Maybe instead I'll spend it on the whore.”“- Tommy: Oh yeah... We don't take no for an answer! We don't take no for an answer...
[Tommy and Richard have just finished a presentation]
- 'No' Manager: No.
- Tommy: Okey-dokey.
- 'No' Manager: No.
- Tommy: Gotcha. Thanks.
- 'No' Manager: [shaking his head 'no'] Mmmm-mmmm.
- Tommy: Terrific! Thanks for your time.”“- Tommy: Let's think about this for a sec, Ted. Why would somebody put a guarantee on a box? Hmmm, very interesting.
- Nelson: Go on, I'm listening.
- Tommy: Here's the way I see it, Ted. Guy puts a fancy guarantee on a box 'cause he wants you to feel all warm and toasty inside.
- Nelson: Yeah, makes a man feel good.
- Tommy: 'Course it does....” (continue)(continue reading)“Boy this is the worst. My so called family deserts me. Michelle's mad at me. I've lost the factory, the town's going under and I'm out of a job.
[the park bench collapses]
Could've done without that.”“- Richard: Hey... I was just thinking... when we stopped for gas this morning I think it was you who put the oil in.
- Tommy: Hey if you're going to say I didn't put the right kind in, you're wrong. I used 10-W-30. And besides, motor oil would have nothing to do with this accident.
- Richard: True. But you can't latch the hood too well, if you...” (continue)(continue reading)“- Boardroom Lady: Whores running around, doing their little behind-shake for the men folk...
- Richard: I kinda like her idea.
- Boardroom Man: For Christ's sake. Once during the war I visited a prostitute, and my life has been a living hell ever since.”“- Tommy: La-la-la-loo-loo... Luuuke... Luuuke! I am your fah-ther! La-la-lay-lu...
- Richard: [walks in] Oh, I've interrupted happy time! Now I know you want to sit there and keep being not slim, but we gotta work a little today.
- Tommy: That was from 'Star Wars'.
- Richard: I know.”“- Tommy: Where are we gonna take the deer?
- Richard: I dunno, the vet?
- Tommy: You take dead animals to the vet?
- Richard: Why not? I'd take you to the vet.
- Tommy: Yeah I'll take you to the... Um...
- Richard: Got that?
- Tommy: Shut up.”“- Tommy: Richard, do I have a mark on my face? It really hurts.
- Richard: Nope, nothing. I thought I hit you on the shoulder.
- Tommy: My shoulder doesn't hurt very much, but my face does.
[points to huge bruised area on his face]
- Tommy: Right here. Not here or here so much. Right here.
- Richard: Nope. Ship shape! Waitress, can I get that...” (continue)(continue reading)“These shoes are Italian. They're worth more than your life.”
“I wish we'd known each other... this is a little awkward.”
“I was just checking the specs on the endline for the... rotary... girder... I'm retarded.”
“You better pray to the god of skinny punks that this wind doesn't pick up, 'cause I'll come over there, and jam an oar up your ass.”
“- Tommy: Does this suit make me look fat?
- Richard: No, your face does.”“- Frank Rittenhauer: I just wanna tell you, you really look dynamite today, Beverly.
[toasts the camera]
- Ted Reilly: Yeah, Tom, you are a lucky man. Boy, would I like to get some of that.
- Richard: Good lord.
- Ted Reilly: Oh, God. No. Richard, you got an edit button on that thing?
- Richard: [backing away] It'll cost you!”