“Transformers” quotes
Michael Bay
directed this movie
in 2007
Title Transformers
Year 2007
Director Michael Bay
Genre Sci-Fi, Adventure, Action
Year 2007
Director Michael Bay
Genre Sci-Fi, Adventure, Action
Plot – Two alien enemy races capable of transforming themselves, the Autobots and the Decepticons, leave their planet Cyberton and come to Earth in search of new forms of energy. They mix with the local inhabitants transforming themselves into common vehicles, aircraft or boats, but the battle for the control of the planet is soon to erupt, with dramatic consequences for the human race.
All actors – Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, Rachael Taylor, Anthony Anderson, Jon Voight, John Turturro, Michael O'Neill, Kevin Dunn, Julie White, Amaury Nolasco, Zack Ward, Luis Echagarruga, Travis Van Winkle, Patrick Mulderrig, Brian Shehan, Michael Trisler, Ashkan Kashanchi, Rizwan Manji, William Morgan Sheppard, C.J. Thomason, Bernie Mac, Carlos Moreno Jr., Johnny Sanchez, John Robinson, Peter Jacobson, Glenn Morshower, Frederic Doss, Charlie Bodin, Joshua Feinman, Chris Ellis, Steven Ford, Michael Shamus Wiles, Craig Barnett, Brian Prescott, Scott Peat, Colleen Porch, Brian Stepanek, Jamie McBride, Wiley M. Pickett, Andy Milder, Brian Reece, Samantha Smith, Ravi Patel, Rick Gomez, Andy Domingues, Mike Fisher, Colin Fickes, Tom Lenk, Jamison Yang, Esther Scott, Madison Mason, Jeremy Jojola, Jessica Kartalija, Andrew Altonji, Andrew Caldwell, J.P. Manoux, Pete Gardner, Sophie Bobal, Laurel Garner, Chip Hormess, Ray Toth, Michael Adams, Ron Henry, Benjamin Hoffman, Michael McNabb, Jason White, Adam Ratajczak, Maja Kljun, Michelle Pierce, Odette Annable, Bob Stephenson, Mason Rock Bay, Peter Cullen, Mark Ryan, Darius McCrary, Robert Foxworth, Jess Harnell, Hugo Weaving, Jimmie Wood, Reno Wilson, Charles Adler, , Mike Allen, Kenny Bates, Michael Bay, Cathy Beasley, Mark Bedell, James Blackburn, Paul Michael Bloodgood, Ian Bryce, James C. Burns, Matt Cannon, Kevin Carvell, Chester the Chihuahua, Cade Courtley, Michael Dane, Mary Decaro, Christopher M. Dukes, Holly Dunlap, Tom Everett, Dan Ferris, Michael J. Fisher, Sean Hampton, Colton Haynes, James A. Howard, Nicole Randall Johnson, Brad Kimberly, Aaron Michael Lacey, Joel Lambert, Shawn Lecrone, Omar Benson Miller, Seth Miller, Ron Mitchell, Stuart G Murphy, Matt Noble, Ian Novotny, Andrea-Nichole Olivas, James R. Petix, Geoff Reeves, Jason Rogers, Kyle Saylors, Tavia Schwartz, Bobby Silva, Sean Smith, Ronnie Sperling, Arne Starr, Cody Taylor, James D. Weston II
show all“Transformers” Quotes 20 quotes
“- Judy Witwicky: I think that if there really was some kind of alien infestation the Government would be the first to tell us.
- Ron Witwicky: This is America.
- Judy Witwicky: That's how we know we're in a free country. There's no secrets.”“You have to accept that there are certain things you won't understand right away.”
“- Miles: Dude, are you sure we're invited to this party?
- Sam Witwicky: Of course. It's a lake, public property!”“So I downloaded a couple thousand songs off the internet! Who hasn't?”
“- Jazz: You wanna a peace of me?
- Megatron: No I want two.”“- Optimus Prime: You know we don't harm humans! What is with you?
- Ironhide: I'm just saying we could. It's an option.”“For a time, we lived in harmony. But like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil. And so began the war. A war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death.”
“We're facing war against a technological civilization far superior to our own! Our enemy can take any shape! They could be anywhere!”
“Were you masturbating? You don't have to call it that word if that makes you uncomfortable. You can call it Sam's happy time or
my special alone time with myself.”“No sacrifice, no victory.”
“You really think I would buy you a Porsche for your first car?”
“- Agent Simmons: Nokias are real nasty. You've gotta respect the Japanese. They know the way of the samurai.
- Maggie Madsen: Nokia's from Finland.”“- Captain Lennox: NBEs?
- Agent Simmons: Non-Biological Extraterrestrials. Try to keep up with the acronyms.”“I'm a lot of things. A liar's not one of them. Especially not in front of my mammy.”